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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6895686#post6895686 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cwegescheide
I'm sorry but to me it sure doesn't look like 300 bux to me. 90% of what I see there I could get at lowes for around 100 bux
Does not matter to me if you believe it or not, I have nothing to gain from saying I spent $300.00 on things pictured... Incase you didn't know most of those pieces are sched 80, not cheaper gray sched 40... Most of the stuff I have compared with Savko and Lowes/HD, Savko has been at least 40% cheaper... Those two biggest 2" True Union Ball Valves are like 37.00 ea, then that 1.5" TUBV is 25.00 so that is $100.00 just in 3 pieces... Those 1.5" sched 80 - 45deg are like $9.00 ea and there are 4 and then there are some 2" sched 80 BH, 25.00 ea x2... When you get into 2"+ on pipes/fittings the prices are about half as much and when you get into sched 80 its about half as much again... But I figured if I could even find 1/2 of that stuff at Lowes/HD just in sched 40 I would be paying what I paid for it from Savko in sched 80...