The Hippies Were Right!

jnarowe, you are unfortunately right. The (excellent) book The Omnivores Dilemna discussed a few other companies that started grassroots and are now (for example) Kraft owned. On the one hand at least "green" is mainstream and marginally better, on the other hand Kraft is laughing on the way to the bank. That's a toughie. Luckily my town has a great Farmer's Market!
:lol: All your Gods are not the REAL God. I talked to my God and he laughed and said your Gods are just made up to placate the people.
I don't know about that Jonathan! The beer god is very powerful!!! Maybe the Crater Lake or Three Olives god is stronger. . . . .
Also, don't forget. Denial of the beer god is only recognition that you worship him in silence, because you are ashamed of the need to worship. Oh yeah, I still drive a 5.9L AWD truck every day because I like it. I also think global warming is not caused by us but caused by the Sun.
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Geez...I forgot about the damn beer God. Crap. 3 Olives might be more powerful, but the Beer God makes up for it intestinally. :D
Caused by the Sun?? Where did you hear that crap? Fox News?? Everyone knows global warming is caused by Homer Simpson. :rolleyes:
Can't blame Beer God for Global warming. If anything, Beer God is doing quite the opposite with the "hops take over the world" campaign. However, you might get worried about it when the temps reach over 45 degrees consistantly, it will be the "end of the Lager era". A real sin, if you ask me. :)

Now, if you guys will take a break for a minute and let me stop laughing long enough to breathe.........Ok. Carry on.

:p :p
You are not even supposed to write the B**R G*d's name out in text. That's considered a cardinal sin punishable by 6 months of Miller Chill. <shiver>