The Hippies Were Right!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10686723#post10686723 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
Well, enjoy the Chill. Six months is a long time, but it's better than flogging.

6 months of chucking back MGD? I shudder at the thought :( Glad I can still enjoy my Fat Tire whilst others suffer thru MGD :lol:
Fat Tire bites dude. Haven't you noticed the flavor change in the last couple of years? Success for a beer in America means almost certain death for its flavor.

New Belgium does have a couple of "near contenders" right now including Skinny Dip and 1554. But there are so many great beers out right now that I just wouldn't even consider New Belgian as an option. It is a great time to be a beer drinker in the US and Canada.

Some of the best beers EVER are being released here like Goulden Carulous Grand Cru, Alaskan Smoked Porter, Unibrau 3 Pistols, Maritime Jolly Roger, Sierra Nevada Bigfoot, Olde Crustacean, etc. Large formats are going very strong and I sell about 20+ of them in my store. You have to get out and meet some new beers! :D
One of my recent favorite beers was a chipotle beer, that I think was made by Rogue. A local micro brew fave of mine is a Scottish ale that is store in whiskey barrels.
yeah Rogue has some really good special brews. Olde Crustacean is my favorite, but it's not for the faint of heart! :D
There is a terrific place near Cleveland, Oh called The Brew Kettle. The make an excellent barley wine. Their stuff sells under the the Ringneck label. I don't get to try that many new brews as I am in a general sense, broke. (see occupation)
nice one Sherman! :)

Come on kma, what are you doing hangin' out in a reef forum if you're broke? That's a bit masochistic don't you think? :lol:
Although I agree wastefulness on apart of our new globalized society does not do anything for the environment; neither does an old hippie reading spun-news. A "Told You So" mentality is exactly what a hippie is, a counter-culturalist; and most adults would agree thats how children think. If everyone during that era was into environment, then surely hippies would have been into polluting. If hippies really want to help, then why don't they go get a chemical engineering degree and join me in pollution abatement instead of doing drugs and planting orchards in Oregon.

Also, I noticed that whoever initially posted this thread was quick and ready to point out the spelling mistakes of those who disagreed with him but, I suppose, neglected to do the same to those who agreed? Treat people equally (common hippie idiom??), shame on you hippie!

FYI, its archetypical.....
Oh yeah, I wanted to comment on the beer discussion. I'm German and have been brought up on dopplebock and weisse bier. Unfortunately, American microbreweries cannot make anything close to what you can get from Germany. Until I can get a creamy, hoppy, clovy weisse bier sans lemon from an American microbrew (or mainstream for that matter), I'll stick to Weihenstephaner, and Paulaner.

But, I am a scientist, and I do like to dabble. North Coast Brewing's Red Seal Ale, Schrimshaw Pilsner; Firestone's Double Barrel, and Shiner's Bock all find their way into my gut from time to time. Probst!
I enjoy some Paulaner, and in particular their Salvatore. There are some good German beers besides that though, although they are not too popular in the US. I really like Dinkel Acker Dark as well as Spaten Optimator.

There is a decent collection of German Beers here. But I do find many German beers to be a bit over-rated. That may be because of import/export issues as I know when I spent spme time in Ireland, the beer was much better than here! :D
Yeah, actually a lot of brewers are having their beer contract brewed in Pennsylvania and even locally in Irwindale. I do agree though! Beck's, St. Pauli Girl and some others shouldn't even have the right to call themselves a German beer. I'll tell you this though, good luck finding a beck's or SPG over there. Salvator? I think I'll be picking some up on the way home.
Salvator is very good IMO. But I like 'em dark! :D

Just got this in:


One of the best beers made in the US! Hard to come by, this is Alaskan Smoked Porter. It tastes like charcoal briquettes after steak has been cooked over them. Wicked stuff!
Come on are the only guy I know that keeps beer in his safe!! :lol:

A couple of shots for your viewing pleasure:



yes, that is 2006 and 2007 Grand Cru in the same place at the same friggin' time!!
Good lord how fast we can get onto endless beer discussions. None of you guys know a real beer until you've been to Australia (not saying you haven't, but you catch my drift). Even most stadard beers (equivalent to Miller) have more kick to them then basically any beers I find over here in the states. Of course the drawback is it's expensive as hell.
On a related note how can Miller afford to sell beer for 3.50 a six pack? It boggles the mind...