The Largest fish in the sea?


New member
excluding sharks what would you say are the largest fish present in the reef?

The tampa bay aquarium has an 8 foot goliath grouper.

Ive seen a 4 foot napolean wrasse at a LFS.
Aside from sharks? And specifically reef-dwelling? (which excludes pelagic giants like ocean sunfish, oarfish and ragfish) I'd put my money on some kind of grouper/jewfish, yeah.

That's a fake. It's a picture of a largemouth bass superimposed over the photo of the fat guy. Look at the hook, it's obviously not attached to it. It's not even a grouper.
I know this isn't the biggest fish, but I know halibut get pretty big. My dad caught one that was 369lbs. Here are a couple pics of halibut. My guess for the biggest fish woulds have to be a type of grouper. :D



I go fishing for halibut sometimes, and I've seen people bring in some pretty big ones, but I've never seen halibut like THAT before!!!
napoleon wrasse

napoleon wrasse

How big of a tank was that naopoleon wrasse in? were they selling it and how much was it if it was for sale?
I go fishing for halibut sometimes, and I've seen people bring in some pretty big ones, but I've never seen halibut like THAT before!!!

It was in alaska, i don't think they halibut get quite that big in most other place. :D

Hmmm my second pic dissapeared........

Here it is again, hopefully it works.......

my bet is on the (jewfish) my dad and i where spear fishing in the gulf or mexico on a wreck he speared a 106 pounder and it was the baby of the family ive seen im guessing a 800 pound about 6.5 ft im 6.2 and it was bigger then me soo thats my guess
my bet is on the (jewfish) my dad and i where spear fishing in the gulf or mexico on a wreck he speared a 106 pounder and it was the baby of the family ive seen im guessing a 800 pound about 6.5 ft im 6.2 and it was bigger then me soo thats my guess ill try to find the pics
Queensland grouper aka bumblebee grouper. Reaches 9ft adn 900lbs. However, if you are talking the largest in the sea minus sharks, definitely the ocean sunfish as pictured above (by Hogpark)