The Leftovers for Alaska, again....


Active member
Well, Norway for the second year in a row has been having some pretty amazing (and visible) Aurora displays....Anchorage, not so much :furious:. I swear, on the good nights as soon as it gets late enough here either the clouds roll in or the activity level plumets. It happened again last night, but there was brief blip that was just enough to keep ones hopes up that some day soon we actually might get a good sighting.

Then there is that new house and light they installed at the trailhead, ugh. Looks like there is just no stopping the ever pressing forward march of humanity and it's polution...light and otherwise :(.

Anyway, if I looked the other way, literally, the star field was something else!
The last shot was at 5am from my bed :).




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Pretty cool. I havent even seen any aurora, much less photographed them, for 4 or 5 years now.
Wow great pic !!!

:) thanks - wish it were more intense but beggers can't be choosey.

is that HAARP :P

Man, I have heard all sorts of stuff about that. Things like that they are creating weather and all sorts of other things. To the best of my knowledge though, this was just plain old solar energy playing in Earths Magnetic field and upper atmoshphere. Then again, maybe "they" have me fooled :).

What is HAARP?

HAARP stands for The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. The goal of this program is to further advance our knowledge of the physical and electrical properties of the Earth's ionosphere which can affect our military and civilian communication and navigation systems. The HAARP program operates a world-class ionospheric research facility located in Gakona, Alaska.

(it's about 180 miles from me in Anchorage).
Pretty cool. I havent even seen any aurora, much less photographed them, for 4 or 5 years now.

Most probably because for the last 3 years or more they have been scarce. Normally being out last night would have just been a waste of sleep for me. Now that it has been so long since I've seen them even a plain green arc is exciting. I do so miss the rays racing across the sky with the purple fringing ..... and the totally solid red ones that was blessed enough to see once (I think in 2003?).

You must have seen them growing up though, no?

The good old days.....(sigh).....

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Anyone good with constellations? There must be some in that starfield image. It would be cool if someone could draw they out in PS.