Story #1
I just went yesterday to "the store that supposedly had pink smoothie digitata" and they told me the ORA red digitata was the pink smoothie and that they were also the same coral, Wow I didn't know that... They also said that the shipment coming today had every coral... I asked if it had the purple moster from tyree, they said yes and assured me "every kind of coral and color morph will be on this shipment...
Yea right.
Story #2
LFS " Tap water is fine for top off."
ME "Oh really?"
LFS "Yea as long as you run charcoal."
ME " So where can I get this charcoal?"
LFS " If you want to save money just buy the stuff from homedepot for grilling."
ME " WHAT?????"
Story #3
"Clownfishes love to school so you can buy a dozen and I will give you a deal on them."
I have alot more but can't think of them at the moment.
Nice thread.