The LFS just hired answers hall of Fame !!

Post some funny stuff you heard from the LFS just hired employees :D
heres mine .
Qestion: "what does cycle do"
Answer:"its like a drug, fish like it"
"Powder Blue Tangs are the best for tanks of all of the tangs. They are the least prone to get ich"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :uzi:
sure just buy this cycled water and sand in a bag and your all set to set it up with fish tonight....

that was my first tank too!

Story #1
I just went yesterday to "the store that supposedly had pink smoothie digitata" and they told me the ORA red digitata was the pink smoothie and that they were also the same coral, Wow I didn't know that... They also said that the shipment coming today had every coral... I asked if it had the purple moster from tyree, they said yes and assured me "every kind of coral and color morph will be on this shipment...

Yea right.

Story #2
LFS " Tap water is fine for top off."
ME "Oh really?"
LFS "Yea as long as you run charcoal."
ME " So where can I get this charcoal?"
LFS " If you want to save money just buy the stuff from homedepot for grilling."
ME " WHAT?????"

Story #3

"Clownfishes love to school so you can buy a dozen and I will give you a deal on them."

I have alot more but can't think of them at the moment.

Nice thread.

wow.. what lfs are these. i work at a mixed store ( all pets) and we dont even get things that dumb!
My favorite, Sure, you can put 2 yellow tangs in a 29 gallon... but you need to buy lots of Nori for them to eat!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12308291#post12308291 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by A.T.T.R
wow.. what lfs are these. i work at a mixed store ( all pets) and we dont even get things that dumb!

All of these LFS are on the FMAS LFS list.

I was told you can keep 1 fish per gallon, didn't think I could put 29 fish in my 29 gal tank....:). I asked you sure its not 1 inch per gallon.? the answer was NO 1 fish per gallon would be OK.........:( poor fish

BTW the store is on the FMAS LFS list
"You want Coralline algae...just pour a bottle of this stuff (Purple up) in your tank, youll have coralline everywhere in 2 weeks."

"You want Fuji premium such thing. It all comes from the same place..they just crush rocks and mix with concrete..cant you tell they all have the holes in the same place. theres only one mold" ?????????????????

Sorry Ding2daDong- I must have picked up the last piece of pink smoothie in the area this week. :eek1:

From a store up here in West Palm...

"No, that green brittle star won't bother any of your fish...they're great for eating detritus!"

3 firefish and a goby later, it was fertilizing my bougainvillias!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12309103#post12309103 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by saltwaterfishlover
am I a bad LFS employee?
Ok lets test....if you know your stuff :D On a PH rise (log10, doubling of the ratio of OH- to H+) how many time your PH has doubled if it went from 7.7 to 8.3 ?:frog:
0.92771084337349397590361445783133 or the more honest answer. beets me. If I dont know I say so then say a baffle with BS comment and let them know its a BS comment
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12308553#post12308553 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TorryRx

3 firefish and a goby later, it was fertilizing my bougainvillias!

That's the best response yet.

To be fair, most people around say that the green ones are fine to keep, and it sounds like most people's experiences with them are fine. I have heard a few times from different people about the green ones eating fish though, that's why I would never have them, only the smaller brown ones.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12307024#post12307024 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lpsluver
"Powder Blue Tangs are the best for tanks of all of the tangs. They are the least prone to get ich"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :uzi:
:lolspin: :blown:
I know you're not going to believe this...but it's dead true!

i worked with a guy that sold someone with a 10 gallon tank...(you won't believe this)...
1.lion fish(3")
2.panther grouper(2")
3.2 tomato clowns
4.percula clown
6.pygmy octopus
I'm sure there was more...but that's what I can remember. lol The second i found out about that I sat the guy down and had a long talk with him about how it's not about's about doing the right thing. lol. he just wanted to make the commission!!!
Me: "Hey, can you get me the blue tang please?"
LFS Staff: "Yeah, but you do know you need Metal Halides right?"

Not a true story, but I am sure it has happened...
This one is a true story and a convo I just over heard while I was at one of our lovely LFS...

LFS Staff: PC Bulbs are like the best, for everything, but T-5's are good, alot of people are starting to like them, but then again there are fan boy's who can't stay away from Metal Halides... but honestly for the price PC's are the best way to go for any coral you decide to keep.

Customer: Do you carry metal halides or T-5's?

LFS Staff: No we only carry the best, Current PC fixtures...
