The LFS just hired answers hall of Fame !!

I didnt know that lfs worked on commission. What store is that? pm me
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12309312#post12309312 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
That's the best response yet.

To be fair, most people around say that the green ones are fine to keep, and it sounds like most people's experiences with them are fine. I have heard a few times from different people about the green ones eating fish though, that's why I would never have them, only the smaller brown ones.

When I looked it up in Scott Michael's Marine Invertebrates book, it referred to the green brittle star as "the Green Death!" As soon as I saw that, out he went! It was a good lesson learned...I never buy a thing without researching it first. Some LFS I know well and trust their judgment, but I take references with me to some of the others (Of course, IME the good LFS always have references behind the counter!)

I've heard of other people keeping them without an issue as well, but they didn't have any of the smaller fish. I think it's analogous to putting an angel in a reef...some do just fine, others become big trouble. I just got one of the bad guys!!

On the other hand...I was at my favorite LFS up here (Oceans Below) and they have a breathtaking naso tang (fat and healthy...good 7" long, streamers are almost 4"!!!!) Some guy tried to buy it who thought he had a 120 gallon tank (he wasn't sure!) The owner talked him out of it. I was so impressed!

BTW...that tang is still there. If anyone wants it, call Oceans Below or PM me. He's a big, healthy boy (eating like a pig), so he will need a B-I-G tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12310970#post12310970 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ZURCSREEF
This one is a true story and a convo I just over heard while I was at one of our lovely LFS...

LFS Staff: PC Bulbs are like the best, for everything, but T-5's are good, alot of people are starting to like them, but then again there are fan boy's who can't stay away from Metal Halides... but honestly for the price PC's are the best way to go for any coral you decide to keep.

Customer: Do you carry metal halides or T-5's?

LFS Staff: No we only carry the best, Current PC fixtures...


Ugh. I have a friend who bought a used 55g setup that came with a single MH retrofit in it. She went to go replace the bulb because she figured it was really old, and the people at Big Als talked her into replacing the single MH with dual 96w PCs. Argh. I'm sure that her bulb was old enough that the corals didn't miss any light, but regardless it's certainly a step backwards. :thwack:
On a recent trip to a LFS my girlfriend was talking about our new tank and all the GREAT coraline growth, or as she put it, "all the pink and purple algae" well the LFS employee jumped right in with a suggestion about a product that would get rid of the algae. She had to explain that the "purple stuff" was a good thing.

I never trust any LFS employees.
About the brittle stars, my bet would be that there different species responsible for the various results. I took a class in the Bahamas where we had to go out and collect specimens, then bring them back to the lab and ID them. One ID session, I was given a book of +2 pages to ID Caribbean brittle stars. I had no idea there were so many and the thing that distinguishes them are so small ie. a small dot or the # of rows of tube feet, or their arrangement. It's just nuts.
i overheard a LFS emplyee say the following:

LFS employee:"the best way to cycle your tank is drop in about 15 damsels, some may die but they will mostly survive and they are great fish to have in a reef tank that get along great with every fish"

customer: "why and what are those 2 black things in the back corners" (refering to the internal overflows)
LFS employee:" thats for the filter but you only use 1, they make them with 2 so you can pick what side you put the filter inside the cabinet"

LFS employee: "dont go by what the bottles says to dose, just put in half 1 week and the rest next week" (that supplement he was refering to should last 5-6 months)

these are few i can remeber but there are soooo many more