Good to hear you are having some success.
I agree with alot the posts on here referring to Captive raised frags VS Wild raised. I try to use the terms:
Captive Propagated: or CP : Meaning, grown in an artificial environment like and aquarium or some sort of propagation system. For a coral to be Truely Captive Propagation, the corals should have a considerable portion of new growth while in captivity.
Wild AquaCultured: or AC: Meanng.. Frags grown in the ocean. Usually fragged off the "Wild Reef," then grown at an off-reef location.
I would try to get True CP as much as possible. Unfortunately these are usually the smallest corals, but they are the hardiest by far. Some of the corals that I have date back 7 yrs in captivity. These corals are by far the hardiest SPS corals I have in my collection. They color the easiest in he broadest ranges of lighting parameters. Grow the fasest, and seem to be the last to show signs of stress if the water parameters fluctuate. For one, they are species that have proven to be kept in the stressful artificial environments we call aquariums. For two, they have adapted over the years in captivity to aquarium life. Long term CP corals can be entirely captive grown. Meaning every polyp in every corallite on the coral has never lived in the ocean. ORA is a large Captive propagation facility in Florida. You can find their corals at alot of LFS and Internet Fish Stores Nationwide. They are offering 5-6 differnet SPS species right now and are working with atleast 40 SPS Species which come available through out the year. They are also many reputable Interenet sites who deal in CP coral frags. Ask questions and people will steer you to sites that they trust is honest about what level of "CP" they are offering. CP corals have almost no burden on our coral reefs that are so threatened by our parasitic existence on this planet (haha) CP is the future of our hobby, and probably the only viable long term source for corals in the marine aquarium and needs all hobbyist support.
Some of the AC corals are avaialble from Fiji, Bali, Tonga, Indonesia, Australia, amongs other locations. They are great corals but are not much hardier than Wild collected corals. We simply cannot replicate the ocean in our reef tanks. Therefore, AC corals need a longer acclmation time, allowing them to adjust to our artificail ligting, Salt, parameters such as Kh, Ph, CA, nitrate, phosphate,. and current. AC corals are a huge advancement over the collection of wild corals. We simply cannot keep collecting corals off our reefs in large numbers. Not with the large amount of other stresses that are on coral reefs. AC is here now and should be supported.
Ok I am done ranting. =)
If you are asking for ideas on which species or Genera you should keep, tell us more about your aquarium. There are alot of Montipora, Pocillopora, Stylophora, Seriatapora, and even Acropora that are good hardy SPS corals for yor aquarium. It just depends upon you husbandry skills, and equipment.