Premium Member
^^^ you go from Sanjay's article; here to some random example of a different (older) AI light below. I'd assume that some one who wants to compare the "latest and greatest" would have the common sense to post accurate and or relevant data.Keep in mind that my main complaint is efficiency....take a look at the bottom of this article at the wattage needed to run these fixtures.
The aquaillumination fixtures uses 75 watts and is a 12" x 12" square,this is the fixture that shows the best results when tested.

I thought this was very interesting....
Power Consumption: up to 100W per 12"
That means that this fixture draws 600 watts of power!!! And this is the fixture that Sanjay said performed well! AGAIN where are the energy savings! Please note that these guys are the professionals and know much more than ANY of us on these forums when it comes to LEDs, if they thought that 1/2 the amount of LEDs would perform well in a reef tank they would sell a 3 light fixture for a 72" tank. PLEASE NOTE THAT A 1000 WATT LUMATEK BALLAST USES 750 WATTS!!! Here's the deal, they are basing these figures off of old magnetic ballasts and are not considering the more efficienct digital ballasts that have been available for years
I know that 12 might seem excessive but I was running 1200 watts over a 175 and my corals LOVED it, if I were experimenting with LEDs I would have to go with a 12 light fixture (or (2) 6 lights). I want my lighting to be intense b/c I want my corals to grow as much as they can. My thinking is that whether you have 100 corals or one, or if you can grow them 1/4" a month or 1" a month, tank maintenance is still the same no matter what, it only costs more in electricity. But I never would have used these LEDs b/c with 12 I would be using more power (1500 watts) than the (3) 400 watts over my tank which was consuming about just under 1000 watts of power.
I'm not sure how much better I can state my case than this.
Uh? math fail? assuming you are still comparing the old Ai's 12 units at 100w each and you come up with 1500 watts? When I learned multiplication 12 * 100 = 1200 but hey I will happily confirm this with my 10 year old neighbor if you need a second opinion.
so if you are getting to use the "latest and greatest" MH digital ballast to get 3 x 400w at 1000w then use the new Ai's at 74w and at 12 x 74w you get 888w. Guess what 888w is less than 1000w even in your ridiculously skewed comparison LED's are 12% more efficient.
I would like to see you put 12 Ai modules over your 175G and see what happens to your corals. "Dracula in the sun comes to mind" You will be cooking your corals on the spot. If you don't believe me then try it.
so now if you went with the Ai recommended 6 what kind of wattage are we looking at? 6 x 74w = 444 huh that would be how much more efficient then your 3 x 400w? Uh LED's in this case are 55.6% more efficient then your MH+ digital ballast.
"I'm not sure how much better I can state my case then this"-
Uh this is the first thing you have said that I agree with. You can't state your case any better, because you have NO CASE. All you have is a hand full of fallacies and, as another Texan would call it, some "fuzzy math."