The next meeting

I'll know if I'm free closer to the date since we will be doing indoor soccer now but we haven't done the sign up yet because we haven't seen the schedule for the State Tournament for this current outdoor season, damn being a responsible supportive parent!

Thank you Carlos for offering to host. Your club spirit and enthusiasm are much appreciated.

Please let us know what time on Saturday Jan 7 works for you and we'll coordinate with the rep from Kessil.

any time works for me you let me know what time I'll be ready
I have James reaching out to him and will let you know. I say call the meeting noon and if we need to adjust we can
There's coralfarmer aka James, maybe he can show how he does that great scaping, have you seen the tank he setup at FishPros? It's freaking awesome.
There's coralfarmer aka James, maybe he can show how he does that great scaping, have you seen the tank he setup at FishPros? It's freaking awesome.

I did see that aquascaping, and you are correct it is great work.

Ill make the next meeting, I am curious about the kessil multichip arrays they use.