The obligatory "What's your favorite clam" thread


Premium Member
Okay, 'fess up. What's your favorite clam, and why?

My favorite for color is the crocea. However, I am fascinated by the patterns of squamosa clams, and plan to get one when the budget committee allows.
Well I have a T. Maxima, T. Squamosa, and T. Derasa. Although I love all my clams I would have to say T. Maxima's are my favorite. I LOVE a really nice blue T. Maxima or a Black with blue/purple patterns on it.
Black with white and purple T.maxima is my fav. I also love the patterns on the T.squamosa. That T.squamosa that someone posted a pic of the other day was gorgeous...I had clam envy! I'd trade my T.squamosa for that one any day...of course it wouldn't be a fair trade :D
Well I have mixed feeling about T. Crocea and T. Maxima. But if I have to choose I would say T. Crocea. You just cant beat the amazingly stricking coloration of the violet, green, and orange specimens!! The only problem I have with them is that the two I tried to keep croaked on me :( But I think it was my lighting and my inexperience. I had 3x28 watt pcs 2 6500k's and once actinic. I also chose specimens that had there mantles partially receading. I also placed one in the substrate and then elevated it to high too quick im sure. I know there are other reasons, but Im rambling off topic :)
T. Maxima and T. crocea are my favorites.
I have two T. maxima right now.
I had a really nice T. derasa that died a few weeks ago :(

<a href=""><img src=""></a>
Peace - John
No favorites, but a warning. Had one t max and decided to get a crocea because I had room in a mo shipment. The size crocea I wanted wasn't available so the shipper (name ommitted to protect the guilty;))offered me two of a smaller size for the price of one. I was thrilled, what a deal!!! When I opened the box there they were, one of the size ordered and one much larger. Got them both into the tank and waited for them to open so I could see their colors. When I checked later the little one was gorgeous, and the other one was obviously the big "ugly stepsister" they couldn't unload without giving her away.

Moral of the story, Beware of MO shippers bearing gifts.


All three are doing well at this time.