The Polyp Tank

thanks redbora and lily. of course I will be updating it :)

all pics in this thread are either with a d80 or an older d100, both with the same tamron 90mm macro. settings are different every shot, not necessarily in the right direction though. :)
Thanks amore. Hows your tank doing?? I think you were in the middle of a build last time we talked werent you??

Lily- I imagine that cough was you wanting an update?? :) about some good news/bad news

Good news- I am about 3-4 weeks away from moving into the new place and bringing an additional 1000 gallons online in a 700 sq foot fishroom. :D As well, my sps tank...the only one I have been paying any attention whatsoever to is rockin.

some very recent bad news- I had a little accident with the polyp tank. It was mainly due to not paying attention to it for months and the coralline was so thick you couldnt see in it anywhere. I wasnt worried about it, was going to be moving and tranferring it shortly anyway.........I assumed everything was happy and didnt realize that the sole means of flow(my hammerhad cls) had been shut off for nearly two weeks. I usually have a 6100 or two running in there as well but have been ysung them for another project. I wont go into how I know it was almost two weeks as it is hard to explain so i wont.........the important thing is the only flow the tank had for that entire time was about 300 gph through the 1" return near the surface which left the tank with pretty much zero flow and little oxygen. Found a yellow coris behind the tank. dont know when he jumped...he was pretty dried up. Im surprised he was the only one.

My yumas loved it. My largest pink one was almost 6" across when I finally figured it out and looked inside. The polyps werent quite so pleased with the zero flow lower oxygen thing. I still havent cleaned the tank besides a couple of little viewholes...haha ........I just dealt with the issue at hand. Removed the stinky water from the extensive piping. pulled a 40% water change and turned the loop back on. Pulled out what was toast and swished out fo the tank everything that looked rough and put them back in. What didnt die in the days to follow is coming back so Im through it. Lost probably 1/3-1/2 of my polyps and a few lps.

So not the best of news, but thats what you get for taking things for granted and not looking inside your tank for months. I knew better. However. Im psyched on the move, psyched on the new crazy fishroom I have planned, and The Polyp Tank 2 is still coming and Im psyched for it. It is just last on the list behind setting up the rest of the room. I will move the 90 over as is, and get to replacing the tank with the 4x4 when the rest of the tanks and fishroom are running solid. No later than the end of the year I would guess.

I will certainly be on the hunt for lots of new and interesting polyps in the months to come, more so than usual even.
4x4? :0
Bummer about your polyps dude. But, it sounds like it'll all turn out great, with your new tank and your fishroom. That all sounds like it'll be the bomb.
Ahh! So exciting, I can't wait.
Thanks for the update. :-)
Thanks for the compliments :)

ADD?? How about OCD?? You might appreciate this next part then.......

This BB tank is one that never needs anything siphoned out of it ever. My 240 sps tank is similar in the aquscaping and flow scheme, but I do it without spraybars in it. Its too big for spraybars to accomplish it. I manage to get everything in this tank suspended and to the coast to coast overflow with the flow scheme. Two spraybars across the bottom back wall, each hooked up to the om 8 way and Hammerhead.........holes going across the floor and at some of the rocks as well as under and behind.

None of the rocks are actually touching the floor of the tank allowing absolute free flow across the floor, nor are any of the rocks touching each other. each rock is 100% independent and suspended by a single 3/4" acrylic rod which is also of course drilled into the rock. I use a piece of 3/4" HDPE with holes drilled 1/2" deep into it to hold the rods, and not go through to the other side so crap cant get under the board.

I took great effort to ensure that none of these rods can be seen from a FTS.......from a couple different angles...the aquascaping isnt quite so attractive which I will show........but it is as functional as can be allowing absolute free flow to every single part of the tank, and gets any detritous flying around to settle nowhere

anyway...yadda, yadda, yadda

check it out :)







The spiderweb plumbing is awsome.. :beer: