THEMANTISMAN - I have never heard of anyone just using base rock for a tank. I'm sure that you could do it. I have read of people using the water from other tanks to do water changes on another tank. I would just want the water quality to be good from the tank you are taking the water from.
yeah I started thinking of the design of my tank and it has a intank sumpwhich outputs the flow about 3" up from the bottom of the tank so I can only have a 2"-3" sand bed, bummer
Sailfish- Im sure the water coming from his other tank is in top notch condition. I only say this because I buy corals and fish from him and know that his setup is completely amazing and very clean! Good to hear you got it setup Andrew, looks great!
looks awesome, as far as the patel and sanjay comments you both can kiss my ______________ and you can use your little bitty imaginations to figure it out. If you cant I will tell you in person.
stopping up the slips would prevent the water from draing from the sump, I'd have to rework the way the sump actually works and do some drilling. and right now thats not an option for me
I am not talking about the slits on the top of the overflow, I am talking about the ones that are near the bottom. I think water would still flow over the top and you might even have better results because if I am not mistaken most of the skim comes from the top third of the tank. Am I missing something Corivus?
yeah the ones on the bottom are where the water flows out, its kind of a weird design, water comes through the overflow and then goes out the lil holes on the bottom by design. so I'd have to change the pump to push out the water through the top of the tank which may work better in some ways....
I'll post a picture later on, so it makes sense, basically the sump is in tank, goes through an overflow, then exits out of ports at the bottom of the tank
perhaps you could cut some pvc in half and cover it over the slits and then put in your sand. In essence it would be something like and overflow w/in the tank if that makes sense.
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