The REAL Tank of the Month - April '03

:eek2: So I'm not next in line???:( Congratulations Graham, it looks great!:thumbsup:
LOL! Hey, I'm planning on my tank looking good by then. This was so good!:D
That is an incredible tank! I believe it has to be my favorite so far. You must be really proud of it, and rightly so!
Awsome!!!... Only thing is, MJ1200s are 270 GPH each, not 1200 GPH each, right? Someone care to correct the article....
Great job Graham! Your tank is beautiful and your pictures are nothing less than stunning!! Well deserved...

Way to go Graham!

But ******, It makes it funnier if there is no (real) April winner at all?! It's not funny when you ***** at the end, G should be MAY totm.

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Oh that was cold... real cold... :lol: :lol: :lol: Mine should be the next April Fools.

Graham, BEAUTIFUL tank, really deserves TOTM. I love the close-ups! Keep up the good work.

Rock Anemone:D
Graham, I loved reading about your tank, and your setup. I just started my own phyto culture night before last, and I love your bucket idea. I might just go that route instead, because it looks like I might be growing something illegal in my garage with my lights glowing all night. :D

Your pictures are superb! Great job on your tank.
Wow! :D :D :D :D

Thank you everyone for the most flattering comments!
I fell very fortunate to have so many dedicated reefers give the :thumbsup:! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

Jamesurq said:
Awsome!!!... Only thing is, MJ1200s are 270 GPH each, not 1200 GPH each, right? Someone care to correct the article....

Hmmm....I thought I calculated them at 295gph each for the article, but something could have been overlooked. Thanks for the heads-up!