The SPS Journey Begins

Sorry to hear that man!! Those are some nice pieces also. The Poison Envy is in my top 3 corals.

Maybe send an ICP in as well?
Preliminary tests are in - Note all my kits are expired except the calcium and I couldn’t find my alk kit. All are salifert unless otherwise marked)

Temp: 77.4 (apex - kinda low but my halides aren’t on yet).
SG: 1.024 (a bit low) (refractometer)
Ph: 8.11 (apex)
Ammonia: no test
Nitrite: no test
Nitrate: 5
Phosphate: .03
Alk: no test
Calcium: 400
Mg: 1230
So after running carbon for a bit, it seemed to almost stop (lost the sunset Milli but otherwise no other casualties. Today I inspect the tank (haven’t been to the house in a bit as doing a split move kind of thing) and notice the flow just seems “off”. Certain corals just were flowing like they used to. Looking around, I see my Jebao SW-8 impeller seems to be struggling. Low and behold the magnet casing split open and the magnet was beginning to rust. Removed it and replaced it with an SLW-20. First time I’ve had that happen. It wasn’t “that” rusty yet so I’m guessing that had to be it. I’ve also noticed my heaters appear to be struggling here recently so I may upgrade them if funding becomes available. If I do that, I want to get a controller too.
I've been using Jebaos since they hit the US market and I've never encountered that before. Hopefully, it's just a one off situation and not a sign of poor quality control to come.

If you do upgrade those heaters, I sent you that link the other day for a controller ;)
I've been using Jebaos since they hit the US market and I've never encountered that before. Hopefully, it's just a one off situation and not a sign of poor quality control to come.

If you do upgrade those heaters, I sent you that link the other day for a controller ;)
Yea this is one that came with the tank so pushing 6/7 years old at least (I’m not complaining). I replaced it with another Jebao pump so yea. Unless I start seeing reports as common as Red Sea stuff, I probably won’t worry about.

As for controllers, I’m thinking I might double up the controller. I have my apex temp probe but get Ranco dual controller and plug it into the apex.
Yea this is one that came with the tank so pushing 6/7 years old at least (I’m not complaining). I replaced it with another Jebao pump so yea. Unless I start seeing reports as common as Red Sea stuff, I probably won’t worry about.

As for controllers, I’m thinking I might double up the controller. I have my apex temp probe but get Ranco dual controller and plug it into the apex.

Go ahead and get you one of those new Jebao Ecotech clones.
Go ahead and get you one of those new Jebao Ecotech clones.
Ha those are next for pump replacements to be honest provided nothing bad comes out between now and then. We’ll be breaking down my wife’s 32 and selling most of the stuff here in a couple months. When I set that back up, I’ll probably get some of them. I have a couple spare SLWs that I’m using currently.