the swirler-stein


New member
And YES its a Swirlestain ......some sort of swirl.......
( to build a sea swirl its not that hard you just need to put the inside pipe)
here we go with the picssss.....
The mj here is an MJ600 just for the pics.......
it was too strong for my tank so I decided to go small and use an MJ400


I should have drilled the smoothest side instead o well..

Here is the motor installed the brackett inside was cut and shaped by is the motor 1 RPM and 3 LBs of torque

The pipe is measured and then drilled and cut

Here is a better view

It fits the MJ nicely

Then it goes inside the box

This is already mounted

And this is the test

1 RPM to swip a 90 can see it was crooked a bit.. but I fixed it

It has been running for more than 24 hours out of the water for testing and so far I like
I installed a brackett and a switch to complete the box,and I switched the metal wire with a black zip tie....
........what do you guys think????

Here is the MOVIE
I put some flakes food in the tank
to see the water flow. :D
I looked all over and I can't find a timing motor with the arm on it like yours. That is a timing motor isn't it? Isn't a timing motor what returns when it hits a stop point?

I also checked and they don't seem to list that motor. We need more info on the motor I think to do it here in the US.

I think this with the DzrStream mod on a couple MJ would rock.
I saw the movie. It appeared as though this motor seemed a bit slower than I expected. I've heard of people using wind shield wiper motors to do something similar. I have never seen that type in action though.

I couldn't read the model # in your pic. What type/kind of motor is yours? I see that it doesn't apear to be "grounded" but is 110v. So you just plug it in the wall?

Isayso This is a good DIY!
Or even better yet, a DC motor woud rock. Then you could use a converter (easy to find really) and a rheostat to control speed.

Anyone see any DC motors w/ low RPM?
with the way youve done this, you could just put the powerhead straight onto the grey pvc piece you made. Would be just like the regular one. Kevin