the swirler-stein

If you make the swirl like hmott did(cutting the MJ cable, so it fits through the pvc pipe, then attaching the motor to the same cable), you can use the MJ cable to power up the whole project. No extra cable required.
Actually, I failed to mention it.....but thats my plan....I just want to be able to give the motor a "test run" while constructing the mod without having to fire up the MJ. Once I get the motor tweeked to the proper rotating degree...I'll wire it to the MJ

Any comments on my earlier question??....."got both Weldon #3 & #16 on order. I'm sure it tells me on the packaging but I was hopping to get some first hand suggestions on what the best applications are for both adheisives."

Thanks all

Peace Out.

This project is awesome. Combined with the MAXISTREAM im totally building 2 swirls and 2 maxistremes... im stoked. I think ill even do a bit at th next Club meetin here in VA on how to do this. Good job everyone.

Question: Which motor ended up working the best? I see a lot of links, but nothing really CONCRETE. Maybe i misread?
I think which motor to use is still up in the air. Nobody has ran their swirl long enough(6months to a year)) to report back in. I ended up using the same motor that hmott listed at back on page 2, the 3rpm motor.

Another option is to buy the motor directly from Seaswirl. You know that motor must be good if they're using it. OceanMotions is also using that same motor.

I was checking out the Seaswirl page that was posted on page 9 of this thread, and the guy mentioned that the commercial Seaswirl used a clear grease for lubrication, so he for his own DIY swirl he used a food grade grease.

So, has anyone tried the grease? My 1/2" pvc pipe rotates inside a 1/2" coupler that I dremeled out and sanded smooth. It works as is, but I thought about using the grease to make it as friction free as possible.
Ok, im just being retarded, and and having a hard time visualizing why it only rotates 90 degrees. Is it in the way you attach the Cam rod to the rotating pipe?
I must have missed the earlier posting with this link;

This mod used a double linkage set up. Do you think that might help to increase the overall degree of oscilation?

Also, it looks like he attemtpted to use a couple of different and less expensive motors with no luck.

Who has had their Surpluss Center motor runiing the longest and what's the results?
To get the most rotation, the radius of the motor's rotation should be as close as possible to the radius (but slightly under) of the radius of rotation of the shaft connected to the powerhead. The arm should be equal to the length between the two radii when they are parallel in their motion. When you approach the maximum of 180 degrees, the wheels need to be closer to eliminate the possibility of the rod 'T-boning'...the angle of the rod as it rotates around the motor helps out with the angle of its motion as it rotates at the limits of oscillation. The largest angle I would go if I were using a longer connecting rod would be 120degrees otherwise.

Who has had their Surplus Center motor running the longest and what's the results?

Yup, can we please have some feedback on the motors used so far? I have heard no one stating that a proper motor has been found (torque and operating temp. wise).

Since I recall Paul from OceanMotions suggesting to use a ~100 in lbs motors, it looks as if I have found a ~10 Nm motor (~85 in lbs) @ 1-2 RPM (240V AC in my case, since in Europe).

According to your experience so far, is that excessive, or does a lower torque motor perform just as well?

PS: For those on the same path like me, here is a unit converter for torque values (US to metric, etc)
I live only a few miles from the surplus center, I stopped by today to talk to the guy.

He has had one of these motors in constant rotation on a acrylic display of a '94 Nebraska Cornhuskers autographed helmet in his living room for over a year without issue.

Granted, he said it comes on with the track lighting near the bar but his guess is somewhere around 8-10hrs a day.

I hope that eases some of your minds.

nebraskareef thanks for that usefull information, however I would like to hear how those motors are doing under the stress that our application is putting on them.

Mine has been running 24/7 for at least a couple weeks without issues. Although I don't think durability will be an issue, the motor is cheap enough that even if you do end up having to replcae it after 6 months to a year or so, it's no biggie.
Sweeeeet......thanks for the update D. How's the heat? Still waiting on my motors....its been 10 days since I ordered them.....errrrr. I'll post pics when I'm done.

Peace out
