the swirler-stein

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7483348#post7483348 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rainer Feyer
the beauty of the beast is to conquer the DIY project -

Rainer Feyer,
I don't think I've heard that worded better, inspiring, thanks!

just finished my own swirl stein this weekend and it works fantastic!

I used a different gray/ sqaure electrical box which had posts to screw in the top plate. With it, I simply cut the posts half way and used them to screw the motor mount plate in place.

I will do pictures while making the second one ( I need 4 all together).

I only get about 80 degrees of rotation and will have to change the cams; will try to make the cams so they are adjustable.

Pictures forthcoming with the second version.

Thank you VERY Much to all who have actively participated in this threat; most likely one of the most enjoyable and helpful threats I have read!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7438078#post7438078 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by smells like fish
This is from page 9 from this thread. diy seaswirl

The biggest problem of a DIY seaswirl is the rotating elbow part(swing joint). The guy who made the webpage, made his own, but if you scroll back up on this page, shookbrad had a link to a commerciallly available swing joint. I don't know if he was able to use that swing joint however.
I just have not had time to build my DIY SeaSwirl using the swing joint. When I do I will be sure to post my results.
Hey guys, just got forwarded to this thread.
I made my own version of this to rotate my Tunze stream.

I'm using the 3/4 rpm surplus motor that others discussed here.
To attach an arm to the motor shaft, I epoxied a piece of hollow threaded rod to the shaft - the kind that is used to install ceiling light fixtures.
See the "threaded pipe" in this diagram:

This allowed me to use a couple of nuts on the shaft to lock the arm in place.

I also noticed that the motor gets warm as heck, so I'm curious how long they'll last.
This motor is quite loud but it runs much quieter when the shaft is pointing down instead of up, which is luckily how I needed to mount mine anyway.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7602636#post7602636 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by shelburn61
People seem to be using a lot of different motors, I keep reading about heat and reliability problems. What's the best motor(s) for and where do I get it? How is the one above?

That's the same motor I used. Had it running 24/7 for a while now and although it does get rather hot, I haven't had any issues with it. In any case even if the motor only lasted 6 months to a year, they're cheap enough to replace.

A buddy of mine on DFWMAS made one of these swirler-steins and I asked him about hooking up a tunze to it instead of a modded mj and he thought that it would be no problem. Has anyone actually tried a tunze?

No, it's still working great.
I don't care for the motor though.
When you first plug it in it's really loud but does quiet down some after a few minutes.
But even then it is quite noticible.
I have a second one that I was going to use for my other Tunze but now I'm thinking of trying to find a quieter one.
Yeah its deffinately rockin. I need to get off my butt and finish the other one now. I think you have me mixed up with zapata41. I got the idea for the shroud from him. And alot of my frags. Cool guy.
Well here are a couple pic's of the inards of my stien.

The next one I want to build to move up and down as well as rotate. Should be a fun little project.
Woops yeah I thought you were zapata41 :)

well you know seeing his signature rain gutter shroud and the fact that you're in Humboldt also

Keep us posted on the new project.

those things look nice ryan. glad to see it is working well for ya. think i might build a pair or 3 of those now, since i am gonna 86 the CL pump and try to just run 2 or 3 streams in the tank on timers.

also what type of motors are those and where did you get them from.

I don't know why everyone is having problems with heat. If the motor is getting hot attach a small heat sink to it. That will cool it down a lot. It will extend the life of the motor also.
You can probably find a small heatsink on an old computer motherboard that is too old to use but you could not find yourself throwing it out since you paid $100 for it 5 years ago. LOL I have 3 lying around.
Anyways if you look hard enough around your house I am sure you will find one.
If not you can find lots of them by searching google for small heatsink. Here is a link to one I found with a fan for $5.00