Here is my rendering to this most excellent (Bill & Ted anyone?) DIY. I would like to thank Jason, Scott, and Ryan and of course, my wife, God and the academy for helping me put this together. There are a few little bugs that I'd like to work on, but I think that it's a pretty cool little contraption.
I built the box/motor just like JasonJones did, but I wanted to put my 6100 on the end of it instead of a modded mj. Well, I couldn't figure out a way to do it, but then I looked on the wavy sea website and they have a little tunze box that the pump rests in and off you go. Well, these were $25 a pop, which would have doubled this DIY, plus, it's just an acrylic box with a hanger, how difficult could it be? Well, not too bad, as I had the acrylic lying around and some weld-on. Take a few measurements, and boo-ya, I'm done.
Here are some pics of the box and hanger that I made. This fits onto the end of the union and rotates. The screws were tapped into the acrylic, but I don't think that I'll need them since the tunze is pretty well secure.
I added the tunze, and here is the rotation that I get. I think that's it's about perfect for the corner that my tunze are located in. It's still a little off set (kilter?), but that's not too big of an issue.
And here is how it is attached to my trim. I took 2 pieces of 1x2 and screwed them together to make a 90, this rests on top of the trim. It has a little tendency to pull off, but not much.
So far, I can only have the tunze up to about 40%, but as I get more comfortable with it, I'll crank it up.