The Grim Reefer
Ready for some NOBALL!!!
Dear Grim.
I have ATI PM (10bulbs) and some bulbs.
4 Aquablue special, 1 Fiji purple, 1 UVL AquaSun, 1 GE, 7 BluePlus, 2 UVL Super actinic)
I love radium or blue look and have SPS tank.
1. Could you tell me the proper combination?
2. The water depth is 20inches What is the proper height of PM from Lighting to water surface?
Thanks :thumbsup:
ATI Blue Plus
ATI Aquablue
UVL Super Actinic
ATI Blue Plus
Fiji Purple
ATI Blue Plus
GE daylight
ATI Blue Plus
UVL Super Actinic
ATI Blue Plus
Just play around with adding more Blue Pluses or Aquablues to get the look you want. I would leave the Fiji Purple for sure and maybe try the Aquasun in place of the GE or an Aquablue lamp but other than that just play around until you hit on a look you like, as long as you are using a lot of Blu Plus lamps you will have plenty of PAR>