The T5 Q&a Thread

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I am planing on putting together a 125gal 6ft tank and want to put a T5 retro in the canopy.

I was trying to make things easy on myself and found two kits that I am debating right now. Could I get some expert opinions please?

First Kit is LET Micro 4 60" 6x80w from reefgeek!_Bulbs_by_LET_Lighting

second kit is TEK 2 60" 2x80w from aqua cave (would get three of these to equal 6 bulb) and would have to source bulbs too.

Pricing seems comparable, and the fact they are complete kits means I wont forget to order a part and be stuck in the middle of a project waiting for stuff.

So am I on the right track here, or should I go a different route? Opinions on each reflector? Bulb suggestions?

(BTW it will be a mixed reef, not dominated by anything in particular)

Also forgot, whats best for cooling fans, and mounting locations? I would guess two fans blowing down the 60"length of the bulbs?

Go with the LET. It will perform better than the Tek stuff.

For 6 bulbs go with 4 ATI Blue Plus, 1 ATI Purple Plus and 1 GE6500k. For the fans you will want all the label ends of the bulbs on one side and have a fan blowing directly at that spot. Then have another fan pulling air out of the canopy.
What fixture again or is it a retro?

I still like ATI more but Gmann bulbs aren't bad especially if someone local carries them for you. I've got most LFS around here switched over to ATI. Good riddance to Hagen and Coralife!

Lmao I second that pushes that on their customers I hate hagen. Coralife sucks. They would never order what I needed only 60 in. bulbs. Anyways its retro

Raffle grabber
sorry, to bring up an old thread, but I am unsure of what to do next !.lol

I am new to the reef world, and I have a 20 gal nano set up.

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my ? for you is , I am looking to add another Aquatic life T5 to the present T5, to have a 4 bulb. but I am unsure of what blub color set up o go with. I have the stock 10k and the blue in the t5 right now. I like the color, but I think I am missing something here. I plan on adding more soft corals , and some hard, but I wanna kinda get the best set up. I have looked at your suggestion here below, but still not sure. Or dou you think I should add LED's instead... grimreefer. I tried to send u and email on your blog, but not sure if it went through, thanks alot . Chris

4 lamps

Fiji Purple or ATI Purple Plus
For a very blue look replace the Aquablue with a blue, for a more 10K look replace the Aquablue with a GE 6500K Daylight

ATI 4 lamp fixture

Fiji Purple of ATI Purple Plus
I forgot to mention that the current T5 I am running is a Aquaticlife T5 HO 24" 24 watt. 22" 10k bulb, and blue bulb. Both stock that came with the light about 1 month ago..
sorry, to bring up an old thread, but I am unsure of what to do next !.lol

I am new to the reef world, and I have a 20 gal nano set up.

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my ? for you is , I am looking to add another Aquatic life T5 to the present T5, to have a 4 bulb. but I am unsure of what blub color set up o go with. I have the stock 10k and the blue in the t5 right now. I like the color, but I think I am missing something here. I plan on adding more soft corals , and some hard, but I wanna kinda get the best set up. I have looked at your suggestion here below, but still not sure. Or dou you think I should add LED's instead... grimreefer. I tried to send u and email on your blog, but not sure if it went through, thanks alot . Chris

4 lamps

Fiji Purple or ATI Purple Plus
For a very blue look replace the Aquablue with a blue, for a more 10K look replace the Aquablue with a GE 6500K Daylight

ATI 4 lamp fixture

Fiji Purple of ATI Purple Plus

I'd run 2 ATI Blue Plus, 1 Purple Plus and a KZ New Generation. If you want to just add 2 lamps do a Blue and Purple Plus. I am not overly impressed with the Aquatic Life Blue but the 10K looks OK.
thanks grim reefer,
so with the bulb selection you have gave me. the 2 ATI Blue Plus, 1 Purple Plus and a KZ New Generation. how should I place them in order ? my tank , like front to back. The live rock , and corals are in the middle to 3/4 back to the end of tank ? This would be like a starting point suggestion of how I plan on having the dusk to dawn effect. with the front lamps come on first, and then the rears, and at night the fronts off then the rears.of corse I gotta go pick up another AL t5 today,lol. Thanks again !


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plus I gotta get a black cover for the back to the tank. so the beach towel doesn't show from covering the french door window light..:lmao:
plus I gotta get a black cover for the back to the tank. so the beach towel doesn't show from covering the french door window light..:lmao:

Your tank background looks a lot better than that butt ugly avitar.......

Blue Plus
Purple Plus
Doesn't matter from here. Just arrange them so you end up with the new Gen not in a dusk dawn slot, and get a REAL avitar :D
Hey guys! First, thanks for all you have done here.


I have:
48x30x24"h SPS tank
Black Back
Black Bottom

Ridiculous pop
My tank to look a little different than anyone elses.
Something close to this -


He uses the following:

3 x NG white KZ, 3 x Fiji KZ, 3 x blue plus ATI

I have nearly the same dimensions and settled on

4 B+, 2 AB Sp, 1 KZ NG, 1 P+...a little whiter look
Hey guys! First, thanks for all you have done here.


I have:
48x30x24"h SPS tank
Black Back
Black Bottom

Ridiculous pop
My tank to look a little different than anyone elses.
Something close to this -

I would love a bulb recommendation. 8 bulb ATI or 10 bulb ATI ? Thanks so much!


wow that really look nice. i have a 6 bulb PM, I'm gonna try 2 B+, 2 NG, 2 FP and see how it looks
for 6 lamps use 4 ati blue plus, 1 purple plus and a KZ new generation

I wouldn't use actinics on the 10 lamp mix. Use Blue Plus instead. Just as much pop one everything is on and you get more par.
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