RT, Grim, whomever.... this is a HUGE thread and it takes some due dilligence to avoid repeat questions,,,,,
I hope this next one isn't a wholesale repeat but.....
I've tried to gleen as much comparative info as possible for the TEK elite vs the ATI products, again this is a big thread with a lot of data...my take is the ATI wins hands down but it seems a lot of questions took the form of how much is the extra cost worth it?
So I'm likewise seeking clarity here...i see a 20% cost increase for the "base" ATI sunpower vs. the TEK elites, but no definitive data that there is a 20% performance gain (or is there? I'm not "challenging" the reasoning per se, just trying to wrap my head around a $600 light fixture vs. a $300)
I've got the avg price of 48" 6 light TEK @ $300, and the TEK Elite at $400, the Sunpower at $570 and the Powermodule at $650 (these are rounded figures)
is there a hidden savings in bulb life due the the added cooling of the elite & ATI products over the base 6 bulb TEK?
could someone get near those values with external fans?
how does the 4 bulb powermodule compare to the 6 bulb TEK "basic"?
same for the 4 bulb sunpower vs the 6 bulb TEK "basic"