New member
Sunpower would be fine for that tank. Not sure when the LET will be available. I would do 4 blue plus, a ge 6500K Daylight and UVL Actinic White
Thanks Grim, Sunpower it is...
Sunpower would be fine for that tank. Not sure when the LET will be available. I would do 4 blue plus, a ge 6500K Daylight and UVL Actinic White
hey grim i was looking into lighting options for my 30g cube (mainly lps,softies, and a small sps frag here or there) its approx 22'' tall and was looking into this fixture
will i be alright?
Grim i have a 75gal standard tank 48"x18"x21". I have 48" 4x54w t5 fixture, what is the best ati bulb combination for sps lps softies and clams?
Hello Grim, you have offered great advice to alot of people and was hoping you could help me out. I have a 210 gallon 72x24x26 with softies, lps, and lps. I currently run a 4x54w icecap retro with 3 6500ks and 1 pure actinic. I would like to do more sps and add more clams to my collection so I was thinking of upgrading to a staggered 8x54w ice cap retro or a 6x80w ice cap retro placed in the middle. I have my sps elevated from 1-1.5 ft from the bottom since the tank is so deep. Growth has been slow and color not as blue as I would like. What configuration and bulbs would you recommend to further enhance the growth and add more color? Thanks for the advice.
You could stick with your 4x54 watt system and add 3 x 80 watt lamps to it.
ATI Blue Plus 80 watts
UVL Actinic White
ATI Aquablue
ATI Blue Plus 80 watts
GE 6500K Daylight
ATI Blue Plus
ATI Blue Plus 80 watts
That will have more par and spread the light out where you can have critters out to the ends as long as they are lower light. Anything goes in the center 4 feet, Use the 3 80 watt Blue Plus as your dusk/dawn
How does this combo sound, from front to back, 90g with 4x54watt Tek T5 and 2x110 VHo
AquaBlue 11k
VHO Actinic
6000K Midday Sun
10000K AquaSun
VHO Actinic
AquaBlue 11k
Any suggestions?
grim thx for the many t5 bulbs would u recommend for a 75 gal for sps and clams then if 4 would not relly be enough?
I am looking to add two T5's to my 120 to supp. two 175 watt Iwasaki aqua 2's. I am leaning toward the ATI brand and like the sound of the blue plus bulbs as they get good par ratings. As far as the look, would two of the blue plus bulbs work well to supplement the halides or would I be better off with one actinic 03 T5 bulb and one blue plus?
anyone know how this would look?
1-54W-48IN Aquasun UVL / UV Lighting T5 Bulbs
2-54W-48IN ATI Blue Plus T5 HO Fluorescent Bulb
2-54W -48IN 12000K ATI Aquablue Special T5 HO Fluorescent Bulb
1-54W-48IN ATI Pro Color T5 HO Fluorescent Bulb
ATI Aquablue Special
ATI Pro Color
ATI Blue Plus
ATI Aquablue special
not really sure yet howit will be, just wanted 14k but wanted to have some reds and pinks popout that are more in the middle
How does this combo sound, from front to back, 90g with 4x54watt Tek T5 and 2x110 VHo
AquaBlue 11k
VHO Actinic
6000K Midday Sun
10000K AquaSun
VHO Actinic
AquaBlue 11k
Any suggestions?
I would drop the Midday for a Blue Plus, maybe one of the Aquablues too, they are more of a white lamp than blue.