THE Tank Build By Aqua Digital

Hey Michael!
I just finished reading the whole thread.....very interesting and full of info! Thank you for taking the time......I am curious as to what you are dosing now? And how often, etc...?

I dose

Prodibio every 14 days
Ocean fresh coral grow balling salts
Fish fed on New era marine and Aegis flake
LPS fed on New Era LPS diet

temp = 26c
pH = 7.9-8.2
salinity = 33
redox - 420mV on avaerage
Ca = 390
ALK = 6.5-7.5
mG = 1320
Nitrate = 5
PO4 (ULR) = .0035 last reading

I will post some latest pictures today.

I dose

Prodibio every 14 days
Ocean fresh coral grow balling salts
Fish fed on New era marine and Aegis flake
LPS fed on New Era LPS diet

temp = 26c
pH = 7.9-8.2
salinity = 33
redox - 420mV on avaerage
Ca = 390
ALK = 6.5-7.5
mG = 1320
Nitrate = 5
PO4 (ULR) = .0035 last reading

I will post some latest pictures today.


How do you like using prodibio? I am thinking I am going to try something like sps, lps, and especially zoas look starved at times.....I like the idea of balling salts too instead of a calcium reactor or dosing two part.....I currently only dose two part and was going to go with a kalkreactor..... My nitrates are unreadable so zeroish lol using a salifert test kit.....why do you like keeping yours higher at 5..... My phosphates are also 0.00ppm using a Hanna checker.
Btw, I also use new era products to feed my fish and they love it!! Amazing response! I have never heard of new era lps diet......
With prodibio you get massive polyp extension!!!!!










Hey, i just did a quick run through this thread.
nice little build!
I've been mulling over setting up a 24 cube after always having huge set ups and I've also been mulling over set up options like wether or not to go LED or old school.
im an sps addict so I've also been wondering wether or not to go BB, but after watching your shrimp at dawn vide,o it made me remember one of the main reasons i fell in love with this hobby, in the first place- because we are recreating a tiny slice of the natural world in our homes and BB just ain't as natural looking!
so thanks for reminding me about not getting too off track and to keep it simple and natural.
now, i just have to convince the wife to let me put in a little tank...
You are so right about the reasons and the passion of this hobby! Having a slice of nature in your home is something to admire.

I have been fortunate to visit places like the Maldives and seeing these little creatures in the wild then seeing the same behaviour in your living room never ceases to amaze.

I wish you luck in convincing the wife and hope the video gives her the same inspiration.

One of the biggest things I would always suggest when setting up from scratch is to build once, it saves you a firtune in the future, so think of the equipment you will or may want in a year and get it at the start, replacing costs money. I also advocate keeping things as simple as possible, and do not try and rush nature. It took 2 years and one strip down to get my tank right and the strip down came from bad supply of live rock at the start. Once replaced everything went crazy and balance was achieved.
Wow that is amazing polyp extension and colour Michael!! I would like to give the prodibio a you think I am a good candidate to use it? My nitrates and phosphates are unreadable.....