Please sir, can you spare some rubble?
Please sir, can you spare some rubble?
This is sort of off topic, so I apologize, but CMpenny sort of brought it to mind and I thought this might be a good place to ask.
I've posted in the "Wanted to Buy" over in the trading/selling forums, but the only real response I got from that ended up with me being screwed out of a custom MLR pillar. So I am going to ask here and hope for better luck...
Anyway, I can't get good live rock here were I live - it usually has little life on it by the time we get it. I did buy some the winter before last from a place out of town, and ended up with a variety of worms and a couple of types of coralline algae as well as hydroids, aiptasia, flatworms and red bubble algae.
So after nuking those rocks, I had very little left to seed the biocube with, and I really need something to seed with. I do have some coralline, but no sponges, tunicates, foraminiferans or other cool stuff - none of the stuff that really makes it interesting to "tank watch".
If anyone has a pest-free, mature system (better than 2 years old), with some real LR that is just teaming with color and all sorts of good life, and you'd be willing to part with several pieces around the size of a golfball, please PM me and we can talk. I will ask for a picture of the rock you want to send, but I am more than willing to pay a fair price for the rock, as well as all shipping charges, etc. Please don't reply to the thread as me posting this was bad enough, but I'm sort of getting crazy about getting some life in the 'cube, but don't want to buy from a commercial place as I don't want to have to cycle rock that may or may not have pests on it.
Now back to your regularly scheduled thread...