Things I noticed since adidng Fuge.


Premium Member
I added a HOB refugium to my sump 2 weeks ago. I did it to stop a brown hair algae on a small part of my overflow. The things I noticed so far are:
1. Phosphates went from .2 to .05 or less.
Nitrates were always 0.
2. The front glass stays cleaner longer.
3. The brown algae is slowly going away, and I think if I manually remove it it would not come back.
4. My Pom Pom Xenia are growing much slower, which is a good thing because I used to have to remove large pieces of it as it grew too fast.

The Chaeto in the refuge has doubled in size and density in the 2 weeks, it was a small piece to start , about 2"x3" oval shaped piece.
