I'm an Addict.
Considering a tear down. Life is busy, time is limited, add a 8 month old to the mix and 3 jobs and it's difficult to have time to care for what needs to be cared for.
+20 RBTA (Rainbow) for sale, $50 ea / discounts on multiple, all probably 5+ inches in width... Super cool nems! Sold many many many to a lot of you over the years,,, I have a TON right now... First come first serve.
I am hoping to push some/all my live stock out so I can really consider tearing down my system.
$400-Red Sea Sohal Tang (Show size, probably 10" - GORGEOUS, eats EVERYTHING - guessing 3 - 4 years old.) Only slightly aggressive during feeds... Has lived with cleaner wrasse, clowns, yellow tang, queen angel, anthias, harlequin , etc... All very friendly.
$250-Aussie Harlequin Tusk
$250-Booyahs Black Ice Pair (2 years old) - HEALTHY and GORGEOUS. Hosting rbtas all day... will include with purchase price.
$300-Borb Anthias 4-5" at least, had for 3 years, eats anything. Bad@$$ fish.
$40-Golden Head Cleaner Wrasse
$40-Yellow Tang
$35-Arc Hawk (forget actual name) super cool dude, chills all day.
$65-Flame Angel (Christmas Island - from reefwise)
$150-Potters Angel (the expensive a$$ one from reefwise, forget the "fancy name" but outstanding loooking fish!)
More fish etc, this is just what I can think of right now.
If I can move life stock, I'll have over #150 of purple rock, some aiptasia, no other pests..... I have so much sand, other leathers/shrooms etc,,, I'll have radions , vortechs , sumps , skimmers, you name it... I think it's time for me to take down what I have... and really focus on downsizing to a "manageable tank"
Questions, pm me- ill give u my cell and we can chat.
I'm at work currently, I'll post pictures up tonight when I get home... 99.9% of me does not want to SEPARATE anything or livestock, but being in this hobby for +13 years, I understand that a full SELL never ever really happens.... I will play nicely with anyone who takes a "LARGE LOT"
+20 RBTA (Rainbow) for sale, $50 ea / discounts on multiple, all probably 5+ inches in width... Super cool nems! Sold many many many to a lot of you over the years,,, I have a TON right now... First come first serve.
I am hoping to push some/all my live stock out so I can really consider tearing down my system.
$400-Red Sea Sohal Tang (Show size, probably 10" - GORGEOUS, eats EVERYTHING - guessing 3 - 4 years old.) Only slightly aggressive during feeds... Has lived with cleaner wrasse, clowns, yellow tang, queen angel, anthias, harlequin , etc... All very friendly.
$250-Aussie Harlequin Tusk
$250-Booyahs Black Ice Pair (2 years old) - HEALTHY and GORGEOUS. Hosting rbtas all day... will include with purchase price.
$300-Borb Anthias 4-5" at least, had for 3 years, eats anything. Bad@$$ fish.
$40-Golden Head Cleaner Wrasse
$40-Yellow Tang
$35-Arc Hawk (forget actual name) super cool dude, chills all day.
$65-Flame Angel (Christmas Island - from reefwise)
$150-Potters Angel (the expensive a$$ one from reefwise, forget the "fancy name" but outstanding loooking fish!)
More fish etc, this is just what I can think of right now.
If I can move life stock, I'll have over #150 of purple rock, some aiptasia, no other pests..... I have so much sand, other leathers/shrooms etc,,, I'll have radions , vortechs , sumps , skimmers, you name it... I think it's time for me to take down what I have... and really focus on downsizing to a "manageable tank"
Questions, pm me- ill give u my cell and we can chat.
I'm at work currently, I'll post pictures up tonight when I get home... 99.9% of me does not want to SEPARATE anything or livestock, but being in this hobby for +13 years, I understand that a full SELL never ever really happens.... I will play nicely with anyone who takes a "LARGE LOT"