Thinking about diving into sps


Active member
Ive been thinking about adding sps corals to my tank. I would like to know where I can get some good information on these corals.
check out the SPS forum here or just ask some of us here.

What specifically are you unsure about?
They are a little harder but I would not say they are very hard or anything.
Ive been reading alot of all the posts here and I dont know anything about dipping them and acclimating them. I just normally drip all the corals and fish and iverts i get.
When I dip andacclimate my new arrivals I use fluke tabs and interceptor.

I usually add 4 fluke tabs per 5 gallons of water, and maybe 1/4 to 1/2 of a interceptor pill.

I just use that ratio and work back for smaller amounts of water.

For instance I have a small 2 gallon cooler I usually dip incoming frags in. I will add 1-2 fluke tabs (crushed) and 1/4 or less of interceptor. Then drip them as usual for maybe an hour or until I fill the 2 gallon container.

This works well for me and I haven't had any problems.
As for keeping the SPS corals the best advice I can give yo is stability in your water paramters. If you lack in this area you may run into problems.

I just keep all my water variables in check, provide them with good light and flow. Seems to have worked so far LOL. Some species are more challenging than others but on a whole it isn't too bad.

Try some easy pieces first to get a feel for them. You can try some monti caps and milleporas to start. They are fairly easy. I used to keep my two under PCs when I first started. When you feel more comfortable try some others.

There will be tons to choose from at the swap I am sure so you can take your pick.
dang I do 1/2 interceptor and half a fluke tab. I just leave them in there for a long time, as they've shown that it's more effective to treat over a longer period of time than it is to use a ridiculously high dose (neither the interceptor nor the fluke tab have ever shown negative side effects at 1000x or more the dosage originally recommended).

I do the same thing that mike does, but I only use half a crushed fluke tab.

I've gotten redbugs though :/ Hopefully that's it, and since then I've treated my whole system a number of times, and have not seen any since.
Hey Eric,

I usually try to aim for an hour but I usually forget they are there in the drip container LOL. So sometimes they are there longer than an hour or so. Anyhow it has been working well so far (finger crossed).

You know what has happened to me though with some frags I just test dipped in the fluke tabs though. I left them there purposely for more than two hours to see what the ill effects would be. Well to make long story short, they croaked LOL.

That is why I usually don't go over 2 hours the most. The interceptor has some affect on any incoming RBs I would imagine.
As when I treated my tank I could see most of them falling of by the second hour.
Carlos is a natural progression from a softie/lps tank.
Yes there's a lot more challenges to keeping them and even after all is well and done right some just RTN on you for no apparent reason.

Some live some die but they do make u smile when they are doing good.

Def not for the faint of heart.