Thinking of comming back?!

True Percula

New member
Hello all reefers you guys might of remember me and might of not..Well its a new year and I am thinking about going back to salt water...I am thinking of setting up a 10 or 15 gallon tank..If any guys can please tell me what you have for sale for a 10 or 15 gallon tank and give me some pointers..Thanks all hope your Tanks and family are doing well..I might be on this forum more often than before
welcome back, no better place to get started IMO, than the frag swap february 11th. i'm sure there will be a lot of stuff there for reasonable prices.
Richard, I suggest that this time around you take more time researching about this hobby and also plan your system a little better based on your transportation and budget limitations.
I suggest a small nano tank like a 12 gal, I have seen them going used for like $150.
Also stay away from hard to keep items for now, I remembered you like clowns so maybe two clowns to start and that is it.
Also, do not use tap water for your top of and water changes, I remember this been an issue and for sure would be your recipe for failure.
Work on you patience and welcome back!
Man, I don't remember if it was on here (FMAS) or another local area board, but someone sold a 12g nanocube FULLY stocked with rock and coral and fish and everthing, just wanted to get rid of it. Sold it for like $150 or something, which is nuts for all the stuff that came with it.

Guess ya just gotta shop around...