thinking of Setting up a clam tank need a few answers


New member
I want to build a 20 gallon tank dedicated to clams only. The setup will have a sump mainly to reduce heat and for a skimmer if needed. It will have a 250 watt MH pendant over it. I want to put in a DSB and about 20 lbs of live rock. I will seed the DSB with sand from my reef tank.
1.Do I really need to wait 6 months before introducing clams? I will be using stuff from my reef.
2.can I run skimmerless?
3.what would be the best clam to start with?
I would wait a while till everything settle down.

With you lighting, you can have any of the Tridacnid clams.

Clam Tank

Clam Tank

Hi Kenny,

What you can do is plumb or connect your clam tank to your existing system. One way would be to use the same sump for you Reef and Clam Tank. This way you would not need to wait for a long time. In terms of water volume you are just like doing a water change the first time you run your clam tank. I have my system set up this way. I will be posting pictures pretty soon.

I was fortunate enough to have dual corner overflow on my 150 g reef tank. What I did was direct one of the drains of the overflow into my clam tank and then the overflow from my clam tank drains into my sump. Make sure the return pump from the sump goes back into your Reef tank only. Make sure you put a quick disconnect ball valves on all you drain and return that way you can regulate all the water flow of your tank.

I hope this helps.
I would say that six months is a long time. I would get the tank setup and cycled. Then get some corals to make sure the tank is doing good then go ahead and try a clam. I would sick to a easy one such as a Derasa or Squamosa clam maybe even a Hippopus Make sure it is 3+ inches in size. Make sure the clam is acclimated to the lighting over a couple of weeks. Put the clam in a low light part of the tank and only have the MH running for a few hours a day to start and slowly increase the light that the clam gets over two weeks. Feed Phytoplankton a few times a week and you should hopefully have a healthy clam.

I would only keep one clam for a few months to make sure that it will survive. Then you cans start to add more over time.
