Thinning SPS Corals


I'm having trouble with my sps tank. It seems that the branches of the corals are getting thinner, The PE isn't as good, growth seems to have slowed. The thinner of the corals in was is worrying my the most.

I have recently lowered my photoperiod because i felt my colors were a little pail. Since the reduction nothing seems to have change color wise. Also, i just added a sump to to my system. I was running "sump less" for about 8 months.

My Parameters are good. (I think)
Temp 77-78
Alk 8.3 Dkh
Calcium 420ppm
SG 1.025
PO4 0
nitrate 0

I'm not certain on the PH but i have a sea star and multiple other invertebrates that are very sensitive to PH fluctuation. They are all doing very well.

Anything thoughts to why they are getting thinner?
Thanks for the responses.. This really has me confused and well... WORRIED! There is no way my flow is too low though in my opinion.. I have an mp40 set on Reef Crest at about 70%. A Koralia Hydor 1050 and a mag 9.5 for a return.. It could be Mg... but it hasn't changed at all throughout the lifespan of the tank.
I think the magnesium is low; phosphates if in excess are known to cause browning and slow growth. I don't think phosphates are the limiting factor if your corals are still growing. Do you have any photos that show what your talking about?
do you guys really think i need more flow with that many pumps? I've heard of people only having an mp40 on a 90 gallon... What should my Mg be at?
How old are your lamps? More actinic light will boost color. The thin branches usually does indicate low flow. Perhapps running a small wave with your vortech will help. I use mine to generate waves in my systems. Gets all the water moving, but is the loudest thing on my system.
Thanks for the responses.. This really has me confused and well... WORRIED! There is no way my flow is too low though in my opinion.. I have an mp40 set on Reef Crest at about 70%. A Koralia Hydor 1050 and a mag 9.5 for a return.. It could be Mg... but it hasn't changed at all throughout the lifespan of the tank.

I'm running an mp40, and an Mp10 on 100% Reefcreft a Modded Tunze 6025, and a ehiem 1262 for a return in a 65 gallon. (I was running 2 tunzes but I pulled one)
i have diy cree LEDs. i really can't believe its flow... I mean I'm not questioning everyones experience but an MP40, Koralia, and the return pump.. all which are over the top for a 65 gallon tank. Could it be a bug or something of that sort?
Look very close when lights are low for little red spots. Those are red bugs, very hard to see. They hide when the lights are on! Dragon faced Pipe fish eats them.
I've inspected all the corals before this and can't find any signs of bugs. Do you guys think it could a combination of low light intensity and low nutrients?? I've increased my light intensity and I'm going to start feeding more often. I was only feeding frozen food once every three days.
Do you guys think it could a combination of low light intensity and low nutrients??

Yes, although low flow can lead to thin branches, I don't think your issue is due to flow. I would look into what you are using for nutrient reduction. What method are you using to test for phosphates
Can you clarify if the coral TISSUE is thinning or if the branches are thinning? Flow is mainly responsible for the branches growing thin (as well as water paratmeter issues), but a severe lack of nutrients and carbon dosing will cause the coral tissue to thin over time.
I changed my phosban and carbon a week ago. But Ive turned them both off two days ago. It doesn't seem to be a thinning of tissue. It's more of the calcium skeleton getting thinner. It's defenitly not the flow because the millepora that is thinning the most it closest to the MP40. Thanks everyone for the help!

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