This Is The Fish Tank Find Thread

Ha, I don't live in the apts anymore. Back at home, going to the beach for the summer then who knows where I'll end up when I come back. That's why the 360g is for sale, and maybe every fish thing I own!!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11830971#post11830971 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ronert
btw, al, i'm moving towards that 500 ... can't ya tell .... ?

Go to the newbies forum. they ask a lot of the same questions and you can help while increasing your count.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11830610#post11830610 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DamnPepShrimp
Haha,If I really used the 360g as a sump, I wouldn't even need at ATO for the whole summer! I don't have the room anywhere for that huge 360g tank unfortunately. Otherwise I would have set it up! Al, I'm sure you have room? It would make a really nice display!

You would still have top off the tank water with fresh. It will still evaporate and the salinity would rise.
True, if I used the 360g as my ATO container, I wouldn't have a problem though. I think I am either going to down size and hopefully let my brother look after my tank or just completely get out of the hobby for now.
if i get this 125 i think i will like it more then a 90 ...although i do gotta get larger lights the extra 2 feet will an imense improvement overall
125g is great, love the 6ft of length. Definitely opens up to more fish you can keep, especially tangs, and the corals have more room to grow.

jon, you think the 360g would fit in your apartment? LOL, honestly, it would cost a good amount just in plumbing and equipment.
Jeff would you just sell that 360 to Joe so we can move it to Dover and then you can work on selling the rest to Jon.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11835597#post11835597 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by a1amap
Jeff would you just sell that 360 to Joe so we can move it to Dover and then you can work on selling the rest to Jon.

Pier pressure. HA! Get it- Pier, oh nevermind. I think I get funnier the later it is. No one else seems to think so.
Ha, I'd love to sell it to Joe, I'm still waiting on a PM back from him. I have a friend who's interested in it as well, so well see. I think I am going to sell everything, especially since my brother won't keep a small nano tank for me whole I'm gone. So its probably best to get rid of everything, start back up when I have the time. I'm contemplating though, its after 2am and I'm wide awake trying to figure out ways to keep my reef, don't see it happening unfortuntely.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11833867#post11833867 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Gordonious
I probably won't be buying, but how much are you asking, just out of curiosity.

First $100.00 takes it.
I need 72" lights..pc's... if ne one finds ne cheap let me know...i can order new ones for like 180 but u got shipping yet so i dont have that kinda cash at least til i can sell mine....let me know
You could always get a 24" light fixture and add it to your 48". I plan on running 4 36" fixtures over my 110 (same foot print as your 125) when I change my lights.