This Is The Fish Tank Find Thread

id rather have one complete setup...or if i could get 3 24's for like 100 bucks ....3 metal halide 24's for like 200 one?
I'd love to get 3 halides for $200, I don't think you'll find a deal like that. Maybe get two 36" fixtures for $200? What type of lights are you looking for? New/used? T5/PC/MH? TPP offers a good deal on lights, they have coupons usually on wed or thurs you can get 30% off any one aquatic item, so you can get a nice light fixture for cheap.
Once I stop buying other tanks and doing group buys ill eventually have 2 48" pc fixtures for sale with 2 month old bulbs in them... might be convinced to part with them sooner if the offer was right. (they each have 4x65W bulbs for a total of 520Watts )
2 48" wouldnt help me ...i need 72" i got my 48 inch and 2 24" on there now just cause i looks dumb but it will give me full light....but im mainly looking for PC's....halides if they were cheap but by cheap i mean like cheap cheap...i dont wanna spend over 200 on lights

and i just found out its 80 bucks to ship these lights from aquatraders
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