This time with attachment...

The Escaped Ape

In The Canopy
Does anyone know what these are? They're basically a purplish red colour with speck of iridescent green/blue. They've grown quickly in my newly set up aquarium and in one place seem to be smothering the zooanthus frag a friend gave me. When cut they seem to have a transparent goo inside. They look kind of cool, in an invaders from space kind of way :strooper: , but will they take over the tank?:confused:
Looks interesting, but we're going to need a better picture to say more than that ;)
Looks like what we call "red bubble algae." I don't know if it is of the actual Valonia genus (considering it is red, not green) but FWIW, my foxface thinks this stuff is candy. Devoured all of it in my tank within a day...


Take er easy
Scott T.
Thanks a lot Scott. I had a look on Google, first for Valonia and then for red bubble algae. Both looked pretty close to what I had, but the growing pattern is a bit different (the RBA in a bunch of grapes type structure, the Valonia as a sort of mat). All this is growing separately (all at least seems to be: the rock is very porous and it's possible it's growing from inside and each bubble's popping out!). At the very least, I'm a lot closer to knowing what this is then I was! Thanks again.
Ok guys, a bit more looking on the internet and I think I may have found something likely. Try clicking on the link below and see if you'd agree that the Botryocladia skottsbergii looks like my culprit. Only a small picture, so if anyone has more pictures, please let me know (can't really see the iridescent markings or strange shaped balloons in this picture).
What will get rid of them??? I am having a few in my reef tank....I don't think a fox face will get along with the current inhabitants....lyretail anthias, midas blenny, 6 line, green chromis, O. clown, orchid dottyback