Thoughts on Acropower?


SPS Addict
I recently came across an article on ************ highlighting Julian Sprung's Acropower and was interested after seeing how positive all the reviews of it were. This kind of thing is usually snake oil but I don't think I have seen one bad review of it. I was wondering if any of you guys were using it and what your thoughts of the product are.
It is the only additive I use. It is the only additive that I noticed did what it said it would do.
I have not seen any change in my SPS/Acros.

But each tank is a different world, so could be my conditions.
I use it often tho. Like 5ml every other day. When algae increases I pull back. But in my case since I started many months ago the Ca/Alk/Mg consumption has gone up almost weekly.
This kind of thing is usually snake oil but I don't think I have seen one bad review of it. I was wondering if any of you guys were using it and what your thoughts of the product are.

There are plenty of dubious products in this hobby but I don't think this is one of them. It is pretty powerful stuff and you will see it's affects, both good and bad. I added it to one of my frags tanks that runs NSW. The tank gets water changes but no other aminos or supplements. It made everything go nuts and it took me weeks to get that tank back under control. In an ASW tank it made life a whole lot better for everything.
There are plenty of dubious products in this hobby but I don't think this is one of them. It is pretty powerful stuff and you will see it's affects, both good and bad. I added it to one of my frags tanks that runs NSW. The tank gets water changes but no other aminos or supplements. It made everything go nuts and it took me weeks to get that tank back under control. In an ASW tank it made life a whole lot better for everything.

What? Lol you haven't explained anything.
In my case its about 20ml/70 gallons volume/week. Don't know if that's more or less but its my "everything is awesome dose".
I'm dosing about a cap a day in my 150, which is less than the recommended amount, I think. It causes cyano for me but I also noticed improved polyp extension and faster coloration. The coloration is subjective though and could be a coincidence. The polyp extension and cyano is more objective. Both are reduced if I stop dosing for a week and come back / improve when I start dosing again.

The question is; what is the real correct amount (regardless of what the bottle says)?
Think I'm going to pick up a large bottle this week if my lfs has it. Going to document every single frag I have and how they respond.... doesn't seem like anybody has done that yet anywhere
I dosed it heavily for a few weeks and experienced a cyano outbreak. I cut back to half as much, twice as often, and that seems to be the way to go.
I tried a 8oz. bottle and stopped after it was empty . Never noticed anything special in colors or growth, corals still look the same as they did before I ever started dosng. If you are looking for some magic potion this is not it:idea:
This is about 8 months using acropower

Here are a few before and after pics of about 14 months using acropower


One thing tho, nobody can confirm my results would have been less over that many months. IMO, for the price and the possible effects, you can't go wrong. Many drop $30 on an eye dropper bottle of Zeo stuff, which I never had anything good happen while using.
IMO....acropower and similar can be useful in ULNS but of little use and possibly counterproductive in higher nutrient tanks.
What? Lol you haven't explained anything.

OK, in natural sea water, which I run in propagation and research tanks, things were thrown out of balance by the stuff because it's very concentrated and it added a lot of aminos and minerals that weren't needed. But in a tank using artificial sea water, in this case just IO, it really helped the tank. Adding it made a noticeable improvement in all the inhabitants.

IMO....acropower and similar can be useful in ULNS but of little use and possibly counterproductive in higher nutrient tanks.

That's not been my experience. You do have to be careful in high nutrient tanks because it's easy to stimulate algae and cyano.
Very True

Very True

This is about 8 months using acropower

Here are a few before and after pics of about 14 months using acropower


One thing tho, nobody can confirm my results would have been less over that many months. IMO, for the price and the possible effects, you can't go wrong. Many drop $30 on an eye dropper bottle of Zeo stuff, which I never had anything good happen while using.

Nice growth, but very true, we don't have any idea if that was because of the product or would have happened any way. So hard (expensive) to due true tests in this hobby.
Since we have a lack of testing for stuff like this, it's a positive and negative.

I've been using the red sea color additives, but not anywhere near the suggested dose. About 5 drops per, once a week midway between wc's. The suggested dose according to my levels would be 3-5ml's.

I've seen a general positive effect on vibrance for sure.