Thoughts on Acropower?

I dose 1 capful, once a week, in my 65g. I don't get a cyno outbreak, and it seems like the day after dosing I get increased PE, and some nice coloring. Sofar I like it...:beer:
Low nutrient system here obtained by gfo, bio pellets, large fuge, heavy skimming, large water changes and daily Nopox dosing. My acro power is on a doser that drips all night. Love this stuff. Once your over the initial green dust on the glass, and get it all dialed in, I think it really adds to the colors of all coral, not just the acros. JMO
i can see it being in your favor tweaked. I'm doing like 1 ml every 3 days because i get a diatom outbreak whenever i use it lol. also got mine on a doser
I started it and had amazing results. however i think it made all the sps take off which lowered my calcium and mag fast. i had quite a few pieces RTN from the swing, however when there were good params color and polyp extension was fantastic.

i think my problem was that i added too much, and tried to play catch up stressing out the corals. now it's dialed back to 5ml/day on a doser.
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Guess I wanted to try this snake oil too and for me it actually works.
I have PE on sps that never extended before. Lots more color too. My pram are close to ideal and I carbon dose but my sps hardly grew.
I heavy feed also use reef chill/ coral frenzy every other day.
Each tank is different and if you have other problems this is not a fix but for me it may be what I was missing.
I dose 5ml per day for about 90 gal.
I am looking at starting this in my 180, 200 total volume with sump and fuge.
SPS dominant pretty good polyp extension and moderate growth. main issue is color on most frags seems to be very light.
questions...are you
#1 dosing at night? or anytime?
#2 turning off skimmer? or just leave everything running as usual.
#3 dosing suggested dose? less? or more?
#4 any issues to look out for when starting up? algae blooms? etc. etc.

Thank you in advance for any information you can pass along.
I've been using Acropower for about 12 months now and can't say if I've really noticed any difference. I dose 75 ml once a week normally when I clean my skimmer collection cup so the skimmer is off. I have a 240 gallon SPS tank so I think 75 ml is a little more than the recommended dose but I have no algae issues with that amount. I run biopellets and skim heavy so my nutrient level is low but the colors of my SPS look good. Polyp extension is good. Is this attributed to Acropower? I don't know but overall I am happy with Acropower and will continue to use it.
I set up a tank at a friends house and grow coral there, we are setting up a dosing pump and I will be giving him some acro power to add to it. He has low nutrients, none show up on test kits and a few acros are brown. Tank is stable but I am not expecting any kind of growth or color change other than what would be attributed to the more stable big three from the dosing pump. I will expect the acropora to have better tissue and health in that aspect, but again it will be hard to tell if its acro power your more stable parameters. He is running biopellets And 10k halides only on this tank.

Maybe I can set the acro power up once the dosing pump stabalizes at its final dose for a few weeks. Then it will be a little better of an experiment.
I started trying 10ml once or twice a week on my 200+ system but I doubt that will yield any kind of noticeable result. I notice nothing the next day either. Personally I like brightwells Amino's and oysterfeast.
Im dosing 5ml per day on my 90gal
skimmer on
Dosing only KLK
No new algae blooms but I do have this fern type algae that been in my tank for years before. Tangs and hermits crabs do like to eat it but doesn't look good.
I do carbon dose
I feed reef chill and roids each day ( been using chill for over a year. When I 1st started this the PE was great but over time its not as much as before. Add roids 2mo ago but didn't see much diff)
Tank been up for maybe 3 yrs? 3rd tank been at this for years and still know
I have 2 tangs, flame and a tomato which I feed 2 times a day.
I'm running 2 Radions 65% 14K 13hrs ramp up and down

For me the growth of sps was slow at best. When I started using Acropower I notice lots more PE and coloring up of SPS that did not show much or any color before.
All I can say is this maybe the missing item for growth in my tank.
My Copps Blue monster actually have green PE on its base I never seen before.New 1in frags I put into the tank have good PE . A few formosa stags that never had much color are starting to really look good.
I'll try to post a few pic. but iphone doesn't take great pic sometimes.
I started trying 10ml once or twice a week on my 200+ system but I doubt that will yield any kind of noticeable result. I notice nothing the next day either. Personally I like brightwells Amino's and oysterfeast.

This stuff is not something you are going to notice the next day or even the next week. They are subtle changes that may take months to manifest themselves or for you to even notice.
I didn't mean I would see results the next day, I was referring to the posts about this stuff I constantly see about how it increases polyp extension. Some said as quick as the next day, but in shouldn't have said that, I should have said I haven't noticed any increased polyp extension. And with the small amount I use I wouldn't expect to either. But I will post results on the other tank, which will be a good tester.
Dosing Acropower

Dosing Acropower

Low nutrient system here obtained by gfo, bio pellets, large fuge, heavy skimming, large water changes and daily Nopox dosing. My acro power is on a doser that drips all night. Love this stuff. Once your over the initial green dust on the glass, and get it all dialed in, I think it really adds to the colors of all coral, not just the acros. JMO

When dosing Acropower do you worry about the contents settling? They say mix before use.

Been using ACROPOWER for about a year- initially I saw good PE response but the colors weren't popping till I also started to dose Seachem REEF PLUS also - So I am not sure if the REEF PLUS or ACROPOWER served me better-
So not to mess with the progress I continue to dose both daily.
1 cap of acropower daily in a 150 gal.
2 caps of Reef Plus
I also didn't notice much difference with Acropower.
Aquavitro Fuel is my go-to now, been on it for 2 month and got amazing PE and growth, it also promotes better colour on most SPS frags. I dose twice a week for 5ml each time.
I recently tried dosing my ULNS with 1/2 cap per day (80 gallons net) after lights out and started seeing cyano less than a week in. That was about 3 weeks ago. I'm going to try 1 cap once a week and see how that goes. If that doesn't work then I think it's safe to say that my tank doesn't need it. :)
Quick question for any that are dosing acropower... Or any amino... I have read conflicting info on when is best to dose. Some say at night, other things I have read say corals uptake aminos in daylight. So when do you guys dose?
Quick question for any that are dosing acropower... Or any amino... I have read conflicting info on when is best to dose. Some say at night, other things I have read say corals uptake aminos in daylight. So when do you guys dose?

Most of my SPS corals extend their polyps after the lights are out and that is when I dose it. Other than that, I don't have anything else to base it on.
So the recommendations on the bottle are 25ml per 25G per week "or as often as daily". Am I to assume that if I choose daily it would be 25ml per 25G divided by 7?