Awesome pictures! I still wonder how you get coralline algea to grow so nice like that lol. I for some reason can't get it to grow at all it seems.
Beautiful piece
Here is the colony it came from and although it is not Pearlberry, that was really perceptive because the colony colors are similar but the growth is very different. This acro tends to have shorter branches for the most part.
MH, t5's and LED's
and just for fun, t5's and LEDs but not MH
This is a different mini-colony trying to live up to its potential but not there yet:
MH, t5's and LED's (reefbrite XHO)
and this time without MH, just t5's and LEDs
Wow.. These pieces are really growing. And the second one still looks like it'll be crazy nice.. Not that the first one isn't also really nice!
I think I have a piece of the purple polyped, orange monti but I'm with you.. I am kind of scared of adding it to the display.. I might though, just because it's so pretty..
It is funny how you look at something and describe the colors in your mind. I imagined the polyps on that monti pictured above as blue until you said purple. Maybe they are bluish purple but... they still look more blue to me. Interesting how our minds perceive color.
Sometimes you get lucky with a coral, I am hoping this one continues to blossom, its my Yellow Eyed Jawdropper. And before anyone gets too excited, that is just what I call it. In person, the body is tangerine-light orange color, it really is interesting. Although there is a hint of pink in the photo, I think that is more camera artifact than coral. It does not seem to have any pink in the body when you see it in the tank under pretty much any lighting. But just like the previous comment, perhaps that is just how I want it to look.
thank youLookin good man!
Well, my wife says I'm color blind.... Although, she says all men are color blind..
So, I guess we are the blind leading the blind.
This last piece, though... Orange sherbet with lemon dollops... This is crazy!! Not only do I want to have it for desert, I want to snuggle with it in bed... Ok.. I may have said too much...
I really can NOT wait to see how this one comes along..
Mark, beautiful little frags. The pink Floyd is crazy as is that blue one.. Could it be a lokani?
Any chance you'd care to do a run down on your current parameters and husbandry?
Just curious what you're doing to keep all of this insanely beautiful corals so happy.
I know it does not look like much, but this is my little frag of RR Canada Pink Cadillac. It is encrusting pretty quickly--I am pretty well convinced it is going to continue to grow quite quickly. The mother colony is pretty impressive looking and the blue polyps do pop. Unfortunately, in my tank currently, this is about as much daylight polyp extension I get. I'd like to blame that on my angels, but I think it is just me and my tank. Looking forward to see how it grows in the months ahead