Thumbs down for Giesemann 250 watt 13k SE


Active member
I have experimented with about 5 different 250 watt MH Se bulbs over the last almost 2 years. Last week after 5 months of the Giesemann 13k's I took 'em out. They were by far the most expensive SE bulbs I tried, and the results even after months were, ok growth, very pale pastel corals and a very white light, too intense for some corals. Almost as soon as I switched back to my XM 10k's the tank started to color up, and we all know that the XM 10k gives good growth. I'm just bitter, since a $75 bulb does way better than a $140 bulb. I highly recommend you save your money if you were considering this bulb.
It is definately hard to beat XM's as long as you have actinic to supplement them
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6545407#post6545407 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Entropy
It is definately hard to beat XM's as long as you have actinic to supplement them

Most definately