Time to replace 6025 pump?


New member
My 6025 pump is about 2 years old and the pump no longer works. Gave it a vinagar bath and still nothing. I feel the motor vibrating but it's not spinning the propeller.
Any ideas?
My guess would be it can be repaired, have you removed the drive unit to make sure it is not stuck to the shaft or the drive unit isn't just broken or worn out?
this doesnt retain to this guys problem, but i have a 6025, and the front housing doesnt really click or snap on the pump. and it sits real loose in the holder. is there anything that i can look at to check, or do the mounts wear out over time. (i purchased this pump used from a friend)

(how much does it cost to send a pump in to be looked at?) how much is a mount and front housing just in case this is a common problem and can be fixed easily

I would send it in, something simple like this the only cost would be parts but it sounds like an older 6025 and it may be best to replace it, the clamp and front housing were updated a couple years ago with more flexible plastics and a better fit. Send it and I will see what is the best option, either way we will work out a fair solution.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753
ok, so i just put my information on a paper in the box, with an explanation and send it to your address you listed?
(anything else i need to put or include?)