Tiny Snails or worms?

SW Goober

New member
Can anyone tell me what these are? They are very small and crawling all over the glass in certain areas?

Those look like tiny white flatworms to me, NOT snails, IMHO.
For the MOST part they are harmless, Butterflyfish love them (my Pakistani Butterfly does, anyway). Some of these MIGHT chomp on soft corals, but THAT is uncommon....
I have these in my tank as well. So far I've not noticed any issues.

Is there a way to eradicate them that won't hurt the rest of the tank?
Always when you get ;something to eat something' you have to plan ahead. Wrasses will but wrasses can be a pain to tankmates. So can chemical treatments. Give us info about size of tank, age, intended fish, inverts and corals and we can be a bit more help.