Thanks for posting this. I've been using the rule of thirds in photography for some time but never thought to use is in aquascaping.
"Rule of Thirds" is typically referred to in photography but applies to lots of artistic endeavors including aquascaping. In your mind, think of what you're looking at as having 9 sections... Put two vertical lines at equal distances, and two horizontal lines at equal distances -- that creates the 9 sections I referenced earlier. Now, think about where those lines interesect... Those are the four points being discussed and are the visual sweet spots... If that does not help enough, try THIS Wikipedia definition which includes a visual representation.I was wondering if I could possibly get a little more clarification on what exactly is "the rule of thirds"? I've been through this whole thread numerous times but I'm still not sure I completely understand. One thing that I'm absolutely uncertain on is how to make your scape hit those four points as mentioned in the OP.
Was I able to get the right look?
Here is my first attempt at the aquascape for my 65 gallon acrylic hexagon tank. What do you think?
I would remove the circular rocks in the center of your structure. Allows for more flow and gives the structure a bigger perceived size
I am trying to aquascape a 54g corner tank and was hoping I could get some help/reviews.
Any comments would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Suggestions to beautify my "Rock Pile" will be appreciated.