Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

wow, I just found this thread. Have only read back a couple of pages but there are some really great scapes there. Very creative. I also saw a hexagon tank, I've always the loved of hexagons. Ran a hex FW for a long time. Very interested to see it develop. Great job everyone!
Setting up a new 100 gal, Please let me now what you think of scape so far. The tank is only 18W and my goal is to give it some depth & balance.

I love the left side "wall of rock". I think it's perfect. Would love to see if you could somehow move it forward from the back wall of the tank to access behind it from the top so you can suction the accumulated detritus.
I'm stunned no one commented on this post. That aquascaping turned our WONDERFULLY IMO. Plus it is one awesome tank.

Well done Jeffie! Really, really nice. :thumbsup:

my 3' x 3' x 2', 135 gallon cube. Original scape. Only ended up using 2 of the rock structures.


Great thread, now to apply what I have learned to doing my cylindrical tank! I was pretty much at a loss until I saw this thread.
Setting up my first large tank, 120g. What do you guys think of my aquascape? Quality is bad because it's from my phone. Obviously it's not in the tank yet :spin2:
