I´ve spent almost 2 weeks just landscaping.
Results are great (at least to me :fun2
just redid my rock a couple days ago...
based on how everything today is minimal aquascaping, im old school i guess. im a fan of the "rock wall" lol.. i like this cause it allows multiple multiple hiding places if you have many fish and not forced to share only a couple rock piles. also when its filled in with coral it literally a wall of corals. plus you get to see fish pop out of nowhere or you see a fish enter on one side of the rocks then appear on the other side of the rocks out of no where.
any body like the old fashioned rock wall???
Changed it around before I set up my new tank. The area to the right of the big island IS an arch, just can't see it well from this pic. The small island on the left will be a bit more forward maybe when I put it in the tank. Only rocks on the carboard are going in the tank (the one behind is not part of it).
Whaddya think?
potsy this is my old 125g with a rock wall also. i like the look of rocks just covered in corals. to me its if you were diving and came across a cliff on a reef where everything was covered.. i will admit tho. if i had a wider tank at 36" or wider, i would go with a more minimal look cause to me then it would really add depth like your saying, but anything under 30" wide is just to narrow for me, so i go with the rock wall....
Finally got to a real computer. I guess my point is for those building a full reef don't forget to consider the colors and forms of the final colonies or at least what you hope they will look like after a few years : )
You make a very good point and one that I have been considering as well. We seem to put a lot of effort into the aesthetics of our rock structure when in reality, unless we are running a FOWLR, the goal should be to establish a rock base for mounting corals that in the end will hardly be seen. And to also allow enough negative space to set off the corals and provide swim room for your fish. Very nice reef BTW!