Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

This is my new tank layout.
This time I'll go with a very little rock, as I intended before.




What do you guys think? And any suggestions. I have one piece of tonga i want to add once i get it cycled. Basically the shape is if you put all your finger tips on the table, its kinda like that, like a claw. Anywho this is basically what i have come up with. Thanks for any tips. This is a 75 gallon mixed reef.

[/url]Untitled by Thomas Hudson, on Flickr[/IMG]
This is my new tank layout.
This time I'll go with a very little rock, as I intended before.





Yea that is nice Two thumbs up.. Does not sit on the sand very much and open enough structure to allow flow but still maximizing space for corals...
You also give then enough height to grow. To many people build their rock structures to high, while it looks cool it does not leave much room for vertical growth..


What do you guys think? And any suggestions. I have one piece of tonga i want to add once i get it cycled. Basically the shape is if you put all your finger tips on the table, its kinda like that, like a claw. Anywho this is basically what i have come up with. Thanks for any tips. This is a 75 gallon mixed reef.

[/url]Untitled by Thomas Hudson, on Flickr[/IMG]

Would you consider this to high to allow room for growth and flow? I want to take my sweet time and make this perfect.
This is my new tank layout.
This time I'll go with a very little rock, as I intended before.





That's a perfect rock set up for that tank, IMO. You did a great job of not overpowering the tank with rock. And the way you staggered the two islands is key so you get a very 3-dimensional perspective as you move around the tank. If you are going SPS and get some big colonies going on that rock it's going to look incredible.

Great job!
I like that last structure, the cave is really nice

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I like it too....And it came accidentaly :lol2:

Yea that is nice Two thumbs up.. Does not sit on the sand very much and open enough structure to allow flow but still maximizing space for corals...
You also give then enough height to grow. To many people build their rock structures to high, while it looks cool it does not leave much room for vertical growth..

I agree....
The scape must keep room for coral growth....this is basic for me.

That's a perfect rock set up for that tank, IMO. You did a great job of not overpowering the tank with rock. And the way you staggered the two islands is key so you get a very 3-dimensional perspective as you move around the tank. If you are going SPS and get some big colonies going on that rock it's going to look incredible.

Great job!

That's exactly it....
I am very satisfied by the tridimensional look of the scape....
It looks good form all views of the reef.
Plus, I want too see sand on the bottom...and I nailled it...

Regards to all.
Would you consider this to high to allow room for growth and flow? I want to take my sweet time and make this perfect.

I'm with the person who posted about this last. Rock on the right looks great....natural. The one on the left could use some work - it doesn't look natural at all. I would take the ring out, and make a pile of rock that is not as tall as the one on the right.
Hi guys, I was wondering if you have any ideas for me. If you look at the smaller of the 2 structures on the pics below. I want to have that rock to exclusively have long polyp'd softys similar to the Xenia (I like the idea of having a nice flowing rock). There are 3 spaces / ledges for (preferably) 3 different types. Looking at the colour part of the OP, it shows purple to have a good contrast with yellow. How do you think having a yellow coral on the top ledge, an orange colour on the bottom and maybe a blue / green coral on the left ledge?

Do you think these colours would contrast well together? If so any ideas on which specific corals might work well?

Fantastic thread, thanks.


Hi! Incredible tanks!! I have a small 20g nano that i have been redoing the aquascape on constantly. I would love some advise on rock work or placement or anything suggeustions really 😅. Thanks in advance!




Im having trouble getting the branching LR and the bulky LR to look natural together. Ive been considering just taking out most of the branching.
Ive also pondered breaking up the large bulky LR on the upper left.

Thanks again! -Oliver

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Ok here is my final version of my Aquascaping. I added water and the cycle has begun.
What do you guys and gals think?
[/url]Tankscape by Thomas Hudson, on Flickr[/IMG]

Looks good overall...however, I would suggest taking the diagonal rock on the right pile and laying it flat or getting rid of it entirely.

If you need it to keep the vertical rock upright, pull it, drill the vertical rock and use either an acrylic rod or fiberglass rods, (driveway markers from Home Depot or Lowes, wrap with tape to avoid splintering, and saw to length), and use that to support the rock on the far right.

Diagonal throws off the sight lines to me and looks unnatural.