Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

Its drilled and all that jazz. It's not going anywhere lol. Thanks for the input, however that puppy is staying. I really struggled with the right piece and that was my final aquascape.
Looks good overall...however, I would suggest taking the diagonal rock on the right pile and laying it flat or getting rid of it entirely.

If you need it to keep the vertical rock upright, pull it, drill the vertical rock and use either an acrylic rod or fiberglass rods, (driveway markers from Home Depot or Lowes, wrap with tape to avoid splintering, and saw to length), and use that to support the rock on the far right.

Diagonal throws off the sight lines to me and looks unnatural.

Agreed. I also think the right structure is awkward for coral placement and doesn't leave much room for growth.
Oh i forgot to add, i have a piece of tonga that i am moving from another tank. Its like a claw, where there are fingers that will go down in the sand and kind of a platform. I had to make the rock where i was able to lean that other piece on it. I should have mentioned that, but i cannot move the other rock until it cycles since there is a large mushroom on it.
Ok here is my final version of my Aquascaping. I added water and the cycle has begun.
What do you guys and gals think?
[/url]Tankscape by Thomas Hudson, on Flickr[/IMG]
Make the two structures different heights.

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I think an easy solution would be to just take the rock on the left and lift them up and put them on top of the sand instead of the tank. That would make the right side higher than the left.
I think that added a lot of depth to the rockwork on the right and broke up that box shape as well. Definitely a good change imho

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Way better.....

But I think that the island on the left could be shorter than the right one....maybe if you lay it on the sandbed...
I think i am going to leave it as is. The left island has a lot of little platforms for coral and i like the little cave. I want my fish to have some hidey holes. Plus i have two pieces from my other tank i will be adding to this and i still want it to be minimal.
Hey guys would like so feed back on current aquascape I have more small rock and was thinking of build up the bottom or the left structure when I get sand it the tank but the fish have lots of places hide on the right structure


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Thank you.

Black acrylic. It blends perfect with the back ground, basically I made shelves. bottom is hidden under the sand.

The shelves supported them without it but I did add a little silicone to them to help them stay close to the glass in the back and not lean forward. I just used a small bead.

I made one mistake though and you can see it a little in the picture. I added a little more support to make sure the back support did not flex at all but I used clear acrylic and it is slightly visible. It is the glue seam that you can see.

The actual shelf that holds the rock was harder to hide and make natural looking, I was super gluing little pieces of rock under the shelf.. Actually allot of the aquascaping was done by my girlfriend.

I used realreef shelf rock. It comes in different size including massive. It is perfect for shelves.
It is a man made rock.

There are two youtube videos that help..
One uses glass and just glued the shelves right to the aquarium.
The other uses acrylic but just glues it right to the tank.

this is a lot of help for anyone trying to make selves look suspended which I think is an awesome look if youre going with an island on each side to have selves on the back middle.
I've read through this entire thread & now I'm in need of input or advice. I'm upgrading to a 550 bow front. This is my attempt to dry scaping my rock. What do y'all think?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

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I think that a lot of people here forget that in addition to making their aquascapes aesthetically pleasing - they are also used for our fish to hide, sleep, and feel safe.

With caves, overhangs, etc.

I think a lot of people forget that the later part is probably the most important one.