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I won't argue the value of water changes because I just don't know the real answer. I do know that my tank does better when I do 10%-ish a week. I don't like doing them either. I've considered automatic water changes and actually have the equipment to do it. I just can't get over the risk of something going out of whack while I'm gone. So I did everything that I could do to make water changes easy. I have a big brute I fill with ASW that has a pump in it. I simply drain out 10 gallons of old water from the DT and pump in 10 new from the Brute. Sometimes I miss a week... or two. I just drain/add what it takes to average about 10 gallons a week. I run maintain alk in the DT near the level my salt mix creates (~8.5 dKh) & make sure temp/salinity are pretty close, particularly when changing larger quantities.