to maroon breeder

Here is my Pair...

Here is my Pair...

I have had the Darker of the two for about 6 months and the lighter one I added about three months ago. No breeding as of yet, but I remain hopeful.

They started out kind of agressive toward each other, but seem to get along much better as of late. They tend to do what my wife calls the "Electric Fish Dance" now and again. Its a fast shimmy motion while facing straight up or straight down. I have never seen them do this in a horizontal position. It is always while vertical.

Electric Fish Dance... that's cute. My fiancee jsut calls it seizures. I like your wife's name better.

Anyway, it's a submissive gesture. It's always been non-horizontal in my experience... my theory is that it's the equivalent to us laying prone. In that position, we really can't do much, and are therefor allowing the harasser to do whatever they please. It's the fish's way of saying "I give up."

But that's just my theory. I haven't exactly been in this hobby for long.


Hey.i think we met at Fort Washington....right?
wow..your set up was great..:)
nice meeting you here in the cyber space.....