To Ozone or Not to Ozone that is the Question

It's up to you! It can make your water insanely clear. If you are happy with the clarity of it, I'd say don't mess with it. I used to use it but got too lazy. I'll fire it up one of these days.
does it help out with the removal of anything ??? all that I know is that it will help to clear up your tank but is that all that is does ???
Is there any other equipment that needs to be upgraded? I like ozone, but its low down on the heirarchy of needs.
It helps remove waste out of the water. It really helps water quality as well. There is a good article that explains how the oxygen binds to organics. As long as you have a ORP controller the risk of overdosing is pretty minimal.
Another Warning
Make sure that your ORP probe is reading correctly if you are using a controller to dose ozone. Calibrating the probe is not enough. You need to make sure that the probe is accurate and this means you need to clean the probe at least weekly and check its accuracy periodically.
There isn't any danger in having a dirty probe. A dirty probe gives a false high reading when in reality it is low. So all it does is turn off the orp instead of raising it. What you want to be worried about is if it is putting too much in which is theoretically impossible unless the controller fails.
I think Ozone can be highly effective in a higher nutrient tank(such as if you have a DSB) I have a BB Tank, and ran ozone for about 3 months and didn't notice any difference. My ORP went up, but, besides that I didn't notice any greater water clarity or any of the other beneficial things people have claimed. I notice many of the people that claim such great experiences also have DSB, and therefore have "dirtier" water. I am not trying to start a BB v. DSB argument, just saying what I experienced.
