Toadstool Shedding


New member
My Toadstool did not open up today, just a couple of polyps sticking out on the edges. I read the posts about shedding and wanted to know if the shedded skin needs to be removed from the water once it peels off my toadstool, or should i let my filter worry about it?
Mine go through shedding cycles. I blast the obvious shed off with a turkey baster. I will suck the shed out if it is large enough to do so. Otherwise, it is left in the tank. I would make sure that the shed doesn't land on another coral, if you can. If you have a bunch of acros or more sensitive corals, I would try and remove it.
If you have mostly softs, I wouldn't worry about it.
As Phyto says if you have mostly softies it'll be fine, in fact I would leave it for your fish or clean up crew as it has a lot of goodies for them to consume.
As another member said that is how it goes #2 lol happens every so often when the coral grows or gets stressed.. good luck