he just loves to surf.
hey Beerguy, long time, no see.
I see you had a 7D. I'm still shooting with my 5D and my wife's 40D for wildlife. The price of the 500mm f/4L just went through the roof with the new version so I probably will never get one. Do you think the additional pixels of the 7D and my 400 f/5.6 would allow me to get close by cropping or would I lose a lot of definition? In other words, would you recommend the 7D for critters or pass and just use the 40D.

hey Beerguy, long time, no see.
I see you had a 7D. I'm still shooting with my 5D and my wife's 40D for wildlife. The price of the 500mm f/4L just went through the roof with the new version so I probably will never get one. Do you think the additional pixels of the 7D and my 400 f/5.6 would allow me to get close by cropping or would I lose a lot of definition? In other words, would you recommend the 7D for critters or pass and just use the 40D.